Multi Tech Systems Network Router BA Series User Manual

Intelligent Data/Fax Modem  
User Guide  
Chapter 1 - Introduction and Description......................................................................... 5  
Introduction...................................................................................................................................... 6  
How To Use This Manual................................................................................................................. 6  
Modem Features ............................................................................................................................. 7  
1.3.1 2834 Series Features................................................................................................................ 8  
Fax Features ................................................................................................................................... 8  
Technical Specifications .................................................................................................................. 9  
Power .............................................................................................................................................. 10  
Modem LED Indicators .................................................................................................................... 11  
Controls on PC Board ..................................................................................................................... 12  
Chapter 2 - Installation and Connection......................................................................... 13  
What is in Your Modem Package? .................................................................................................. 14  
Installation ....................................................................................................................................... 14  
2.2.1 Safety Warnings........................................................................................................................ 15  
2.2.2 Installation Procedure ............................................................................................................... 15  
Installing Data Communications Software ....................................................................................... 16  
Chapter 3 - Software Configuration and Modem Basics .............................................. 17  
Introduction...................................................................................................................................... 18  
Configuring Your Software............................................................................................................... 18  
3.2.1 ConfiguringSoftware for Your Modem ....................................................................................... 18  
PC Initialization Strings ................................................................................................................... 18  
3.4.1 Changing Default Parameters................................................................................................... 19  
3.4.2 Other Parameters ..................................................................................................................... 19  
Configuring Software for Your Computer ......................................................................................... 19  
3.5.1 Configuring Software for the Remote System ........................................................................... 19  
3.5.2 Terminal Emulation ................................................................................................................... 20  
3.5.3 File Transfer Protocols .............................................................................................................. 20  
Chapter 4 - Command Mode............................................................................................ 21  
Introduction...................................................................................................................................... 22  
4.1.1 AT Command Editing ................................................................................................................ 22  
4.1.2 Functional Modes...................................................................................................................... 22  
Summary of AT Commands............................................................................................................. 23  
Result Codes ................................................................................................................................... 26  
Dialing Commands .......................................................................................................................... 27  
4.4.1 Dialing Action Commands ......................................................................................................... 27  
4.4.2 Dial Modifier Commands ........................................................................................................... 28  
4.4.3 Phone Number Memory Commands......................................................................................... 30  
4.4.4 Configuration and Default Storage Commands ........................................................................ 31  
4.4.5 Command Response (Result Code) Commands ...................................................................... 33  
4.4.6 Phone Line Conditioning Commands........................................................................................ 34  
4.4.7 RS-232C Interface Control Commands .................................................................................... 36  
4.4.8 Error Correction Commands ..................................................................................................... 38  
4.4.9 Flow Control Commands .......................................................................................................... 40  
4.4.10 Compression, Error Correction, Flow Control, Pass-Through and Pacing Commands ............ 43  
4.4.11 Speed Conversion Commands ................................................................................................. 44  
4.4.12 Immediate Action Commands ................................................................................................... 46  
4.4.13 Line Probe Commands ............................................................................................................. 48  
Chapter 5 - S-Registers.................................................................................................... 49  
Introduction...................................................................................................................................... 50  
Reading and Assigning S-Register Values ...................................................................................... 55  
5.2.1 Examples of Assigning Values .................................................................................................. 56  
5.2.2 Examples of Reading Values .................................................................................................... 56  
AT Command and S-Register Summary ......................................................................................... 56  
Chapter 6 - Callback Security and  
Remote Configuration...................................................................................................... 57  
Introduction...................................................................................................................................... 58  
Callback Feature Description .......................................................................................................... 58  
Remote Configuration Description................................................................................................... 58  
6.3.1 Initial Setup Procedures for Callback and Remote Configuration. ............................................ 58  
6.3.2 Remote Configuration Procedures ............................................................................................ 61  
Remote Configuration and Callback Security AT Commands ......................................................... 62  
Remote Configuration/Callback Security S-Registers ..................................................................... 63  
Chapter 7 - DIP-Switch Settings...................................................................................... 65  
Introduction...................................................................................................................................... 66  
DIP-Switch Option Settings ............................................................................................................. 66  
Speaker Volume Control ................................................................................................................. 71  
Recording Option Configurations .................................................................................................... 72  
Chapter 8 - Warranty, Service and Tech Support .......................................................... 74  
Introduction...................................................................................................................................... 75  
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. Warranty & Repairs Policies .................................................................... 75  
Online Warranty Registration .......................................................................................................... 76  
Replacement Parts .......................................................................................................................... 77  
Technical Support ............................................................................................................................ 77  
Internet Sites ................................................................................................................................... 77  
Appendixes ....................................................................................................................... 78  
Appendix A -- Upgrading Your Modem’s Firmware....................................................................................... 79  
Appendix B - Troubleshooting ...................................................................................................................... 82  
Apendix C - AT Command Summary ........................................................................................................... 87  
Appendix D - V.25bis Operation ................................................................................................................... 96  
Appendix E - MultiModemBA Cables ........................................................................................................... 102  
Appendix F - Regulatory Information............................................................................................................ 103  
Chapter 1 - Introduction and Description  
MultiModemBA User Guide  
1.1 Introduction  
Welcome to the world of data communications. You have acquired one of the finest intelligent  
desktop data/fax modems available today, the MultiModemII BA series modem, from Multi-Tech  
Systems. This User Guide covers various models within the BA series, and unless otherwise noted,  
all content should be considered relevant to all models.  
Your MultiModem provides data communication at the following rates:  
33,600 - 14,400 bps (Enhanced V.34 / V.32bis)  
The MultiModem also provides other prevalent data communications standards and includes dial  
backup with automatic lease line restoration, adaptive protocol enhancing used in typical Unix® batch  
file transfers and support for IBM's AS/400TM and WindowsTM environments.  
1.2 How To Use This Manual  
The information contained in each chapter and appendix is as follows:  
Chapter 1 - Introduction and Description  
This chapter begins with a short introduction, followed by a guide (which you are now reading) to the  
use of this manual. There is a discussion about what components you can expect in your modem  
package. We then provide a more detailed description of the modem, including the modem’s  
technical specifications. Chapter 1 includes sections covering power, LED indicators and a brief  
summary of PC board controls. (Chapter 9 covers switch settings more thoroughly.)  
Chapter 2 - Installation and Connection  
Chapter 2 covers the procedure for connecting the modem to your computer and to the phone line.  
Details are given, supported by illustrations on the modem's back panel connections as a guide to  
install your modem to the point of operation. In addition, this chapter describes the installation of  
PhoneTools, the communications software included with your modem.  
Chapter 3 - Software Configuration and Modem Basics  
Chapter 3 documents communication software configuration recommended specifically for the  
MultiModem. Other issues covered include setting up initialization strings, changing default  
parameters, configuring software for the remote system and file transfer protocols.  
Chapter 4 - AT Command Mode Operation  
Chapter 4 may be the most important chapter of this manual. It begins with an introduction and  
discussion on Command Mode fundamentals. A flow chart is provided to illustrate Command Mode  
and On-Line Mode operation and the methods used in each mode. Next, there is a summary of the  
modem’s commands and responses. We then go into a detailed explanation of each modem  
command, providing examples where applicable.  
Chapter 5 - S-Registers  
Chapter 5 covers the modem's S-Registers, which enable the user to establish, read, and modify  
various modem options. All of the S-Registers are charted and explained, followed by instructions on  
accessing the S-Registers and reading or changing their values.  
Chapter 1 - Introduction and Description  
Chapter 6 - Callback and Remote Configuration  
Chapter 6 documents instructions on how to operate the modem's Callback and Remote  
Configuration features; and the usage of LOGIN Passwords, Set-Up Passwords and Remote Escape  
Characters as network management tools.  
Chapter 7 - DIP-Switches  
Chapter 7 covers the modem’s printed-circuit board options. Sixteen DIP-Switch settings and the  
modem's speaker volume control are explained in detail, including all default settings.  
Chapter 8- Warranty, Service & Technical Support  
Chapter 8 provides statements on your five-year warranty, instructions for getting modems serviced  
at the factory and the procedure for downloading firmware upgrades via FlashROM.  
There are also several appendices at the end of this manual, most of which repeat information  
contained in the chapters, but in a more condensed form. These appendices can be used as a quick  
Appendix A - Upgrading Your Modem’s Firmware  
Appendix B - Troubleshooting  
Appendix C - AT Command Summary  
Appendix D - V.25bis Operation  
Appendix E - Cabling Diagrams  
Appendix F - Regulatory Information  
1.3 Modem Features  
The MultiModem BA Series modem connections can be made on Public Switched Telephone  
Networks (PSTNs) and/or point-to-point 2-wire telephone type circuits.  
Your modem offers interactive automatic dialing, as well as Command Mode option configuration.  
You may store up to ten command line/telephone numbers, of up to 60 characters each, in the  
modems nonvolatile memory. The modem pulse or tone dials, and recognizes dial tones and busy  
signals for reliable call-progress detection. The modem can detect AT&T calling card tones. It is  
FCC-Registered for connection to telephone networks without any Data Access Arrangements  
Your modem also features Callback Security to protect networks from unauthorized use, and to  
manage phone line costs. By using the modems phone number and password directory, a host site  
can, upon receipt of a call, callback to a remote site at a predetermined number.  
Remote Configuration permits you to assist users at remote sites, saving you the time and trouble of  
site visits and preventing misinterpretation of configuration instructions.  
MultiModemBA User Guide  
2834 Series Features  
Your MT2834BA modem meets the proposed Enhanced V.34 ITU standard for data signalling rates  
as high as 33.6/31.2K bps in full duplex mode. Enhanced V.34 is an extension of V.32/V.32bis/V34  
standards, and supports and is compatible with those features, including EIA extended Automode;  
adaptive line probing; automatic symbol rate and carrier frequency during start-up; and retrain and  
rate renegotiation (in 2400 bps increments).  
The MT2834BA features ITU V.25bis standard for synchronous dialing, ITU V.42 error correction and  
V.42bis data compression, providing 100% error-free data transmission. V.42 error correction  
incorporates MNP( Classes 3 and 4, and LAP-M. You may select V.42bis data compression for 4-1  
throughput, or MNP Class 5 for 2-1 throughput.)  
1.4 Fax Features  
Your modem meets the ITU V.17 standard for sending and receiving faxes. When linked to a  
compatible fax machine or modem, it can transmit faxes at 14,4 K bps. It also meets the ITUs Group  
3 Designation for sending and receiving faxes at 9600 bps; and Group 2 Designation for sending and  
receiving faxes at 4800 bps. The modem is also downward-compatible with modems to speeds as  
low as 300 bps, so it can send and receive faxes with any fax machine in the world.  
Chapter 1 - Introduction and Description  
1.5 Technical Specifications  
Your data/fax modem meets the specifications listed below:  
Model Numbers  
MT2834BA, MT2834BAI  
Data Rates (modem)  
33,600, 31,200, 28,800, 26,400, 24,000, 21,600, 19,200, 16,800,  
14,400, 12,000, 9600, 7200, 4800, 2400, 1200, 0-300 bps  
Data Rates (fax)  
Data Format  
14,400, 9600, 7200, 4800 bps  
Serial, binary, asynchronous at 0-300, 1200, 2400, 4800, 7200,  
9600, 12,000, 14,400, 16,800, 19,200, 21,600, 24,000, 26,400,  
28,800, 31,200, 33,600 bps; synchronous at 1200, 2400, 4800,  
7200, 9600, 12,000, 14,400, 16,800, 19,200, 21,600, 24,000, 26,400,  
28,800, 31,200, 33,600 bps  
ITU V.42bis, V.42, Pending ITU Enhanced V.34 approval, ITU V.34,  
AT&T V.32terbo, ITU V.32bis, V.32, V.21*, V.22bis, V.22,  
V.23*,V.25bis, *Bell 212A and 103/113, ITU V.17, Group 3 T.4, T.30  
and EIA TR-29 Class 2 (*Bell 212A and 103/113 domestic models  
only; *V.21/V.23 Int'l models only)  
Error Correction  
V.42 (LAP-M or MNP 3 & 4) error correction  
Data Compression  
V.42bis, (4:1 throughput) or MNP 5 (2:1 throughput) data  
Speed Conversion  
Serial port data rates adjustable to 300, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600,  
19,200, 38,400, 57,600 and 115,200 bps  
Flow Control Options  
Mode of Operation  
Intelligent Features  
Xon/Xoff, Hardware RTS/CTS, ENQ/ACK, Unix-to-Unix Copy  
Protocol (UUCP) "Spoofing"  
Full duplex over both dial-up lines and 2-wire leased lines; automatic  
or manual dialing, automatic or manual answer  
Fully AT commandcompatible, microprocessor controlled remote  
configuration, EIA extended Automode, adaptive line probing,  
automatic symbol rate and carrier frequency during start-up, retrain  
and rate renegotiation, autodial, redial, repeat dial, dial linking, pulse  
or tone dial, dial tone detection, dial pauses, call status display, auto-  
parity and data rate selection, keyboard-controlled modem options,  
nonvolatile memory and on-screen displays for modem option  
parameters and up to ten telephone numbers/command lines of up  
to 60 digits each, help menus  
Command Buffer  
60 characters  
Trellis Coded Modulation (TCM) at 33,600, 31,200, 28,800, 26,400,  
24,000, 21,600, 19,200, 16,800, 14,400, 12,000 and 9600 bps,  
Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (QAM) at 9600 (non-trellis), 4800  
and 2400 bps, PSK at 1200 bps, FSK at 300 bps  
MultiModemBA User Guide  
Fax Modulations  
Transmit Level  
V.21CH2 FSK at 300 bps, V.27ter DPSK at 4800 and 2400 bps,  
V.29 QAM at 9600 and 7200 bps, V.17 TCM at 14400, 12000, 9600,  
and 7200 bps  
-11dBm (dial-up), -9 or -15 dBm (leased-line); dBm level selectable  
with DIP-Switch #3 in leased line setting  
Frequency Stability  
One DB-25 RS-232C connector; two RJ11 for phone line/telephone  
set; power.  
Power-on Self Test, Local Analog Loop, Local Digital Loop, Remote  
Digital Loop, Back-to-Back Test.  
LEDs for Transmit Data, Receive Data, Carrier Detect, Speed  
Indicators, Off Hook, Terminal Ready, Error Correction, Fax, and  
Toggle switches for Voice/Data with Originate or Answer, Power On/  
Off; and DIP Switches for various modem options.  
Speaker for call progress monitoring  
Operating Temperature  
Power Requirements  
0° to 50° C (32° to 120° F)  
115 Volts AC, 60Hz, 0.3amp (2-prong outlet-mounted transformer)  
240V/50Hz optional (International).  
6.150" x 9.00" x 1.375"  
15.6 cm x 22.9 cm x 3.5 cm  
1.6 pounds/0.72 Kg (without transformer)  
2.6 pounds/1.18Kg (with transformer)  
Limited Warranty  
Five Years  
1.6 Power  
Power is supplied through an AC power transformer terminated with a standard two-prong plug. The  
transformer supplies low voltage AC to the modem, and plugs into any conventional 115 volt AC, 60  
Hz, two-prong power outlet (240 volts AC, 50Hz, .3 Amp for International modems). The power  
transformer supplied with the modem is the only one that should be used. Use of any other  
transformer could cause damage to the modem. A Power On/Off switch is located on the back of the  
Chapter 1 - Introduction and Description  
1.7 Modem LED Indicators  
The MultiModem diagnostic LED indicators are shown in Figures 1-1  
RD CD 28.8 24.0 19.2 14.4 96  
Send Rcv Carr 28.8K 24.0K 19.2K 14.4K 9600 2400 Off Hk Rdy V.42 Fax  
Figure 1-1. MT2834 LED Display  
(SD) Send (Transmit) Data. This LED blinks when data is being transmitted, on for a space, off for a  
mark. The state of this LED matches the TD circuit on Pin 2 of the RS-232C/V.24 interface.  
(RD) Receive Data. This LED blinks when data is being received, on for a space, off for a mark. The  
state of this LED matches that of the RD circuit on Pin 3 of the RS-232C/V.24 interface.  
(CD) Carrier Detect. This LED is lit when a valid carrier tone has been detected.  
When the modem is connected at 33,600 bps, the 28.8 LED rapidly blinks at approximately 5  
blinks per second.  
When the modem is connected at 31,200 bps, the 28.8 LED blinks slowly at approximately 1  
blink per second.  
(28.8) 28,800 bps. This LED is lit when the modem is connected at 28,800 bps. Note: if the modem  
falls back to 26.4K bps while in V.34 mode, both the 28.8 and 24.0 LEDs light.  
(24.0) 24,000 bps. This LED is lit when the modem is connected at 24,000 bps. Note: if the modem  
falls back to 21.6K bps while in V.34 mode, both the 24.0 and 19.2 LEDs light.  
(19.2) 19,200 bps. This LED is lit when the modem is connected at 19,200 bps.  
(14.4) 14,400 bps. (2834 and 1432 models only) This LED is lit when the modem is connected at  
14,400 bps. Note: if the modem falls back to 12,000 bps while in V.32bis mode, both the 14.4 and 96  
LEDs light.  
(96) 9600 bps. This LED is lit when the modem is connected at 9600 bps.  
(24) 2400 bps. This LED is lit when the modem is connected at 2400 bps.  
(OH) Off Hook. This LED is lit when the phone line is "off hook". This occurs when the modem is  
dialing, on-line, or answering a call. This LED also flashes when the modem is pulse dialing in  
Command mode.  
(TR) Terminal Ready. When the TR LED is lit, the modem is permitted to answer an incoming call.  
When it goes off, a connected modem will disconnect. The state of the TR LED matches that of the  
DTR circuit on Pin 20 of the RS-232C/V.24 interface.  
(EC) Error Correction. This LED is lit when the modem is set for V.42 error correction, and flashes on  
and off when data compression is activated.  
(FX) FAX. This LED is lit when the modem is connected in FAX mode.  
MultiModemBA User Guide  
1.8 Controls on PC Board  
The MultiModem is designed on a single printed circuit (PC) board. This board contains one 16-  
position DIP-Switch (numbered 1-16). The DIP-Switches are accessible through a cut-out on the side  
of the modem. There is also a knob which is used to adjust the speaker volume. This knob is  
accessible through the modem's rear panel. The sixteen DIP-Switches control various modem  
options or set default values for Command Mode operation. There is a difference in how several of  
the switches operate depending on whether you are in synchronous or asynchronous mode. Refer to  
the switch label on the bottom of the modem for an exact list of the switch functions in asynchronous  
and synchronous operation.  
Chapter 2 - Installation and Connection  
MultiModemBA User Guide  
2.1 What is in Your Modem Package?  
Your MultiModem is made up of many components. Make sure you have them all before trying to  
operate your modem.  
RD CD 28.8 24.0 19.2 14.4 96  
Send Rcv Carr 28.8K 24.0K 19.2K 14.4K 9600 2400 Off Hk Rdy V.42 Fax  
Figure 2-1. Unpacking  
Your package should include:  
MT2834BA data/fax modem  
RJ-11 telephone cord  
AC Power Transformer  
One (1) Quick Start Guide  
One (1) software CD (PhoneToolsTM data communications and fax software)  
This User Guide (on diskette)  
If any of these items are missing, contact Tech Support.  
2.2 Installation  
The installation of the modem consists of making the physical connections necessary to render the  
modem functional with your computer. This includes making the proper serial, phone line, and power  
connections. Unless otherwise noted, these instructions apply to all models of the BA series.  
Chapter 2 - Installation and Connection  
Safety Warnings  
Use this product only with UL and cUL listed computers.  
To reduce the risk of fire, use only 26 AWG (.41mm) or larger telephone wiring.  
Never install telephone wiring during a lightning storm.  
Never install a telephone jack in wet locations unless the jack is specifically designed for wet  
Never touch uninsulated telephone wires or terminals unless the telephone line has been  
disconnected at the network interface.  
Use caution when installing or modifying telephone lines.  
Avoid using a telephone during an electrical storm. There is a risk of electrical shock from  
Do not use a telephone in the vicinity of a gas leak.  
Installation Procedure  
The following procedures will guide you through the physical connections required to make your  
modem operational. Software loading is covered later in this guide.  
Step Procedure  
Verify that the settings for DIP-Switch #5 and DIP-Switch #10 match those of your system  
The 16-position DIP-Switch (numbered 1-16) is accessible through a cut-out on the right side (as  
the LEDs are facing you) of the modem chassis. For a full description of all DIP-Switch Settings,  
refer to Chapter 7.  
Selects Answer mode  
Selects Originate mode  
Selects Dial-Up operation  
Selects Lease Line operation  
* indicates Factory Default setting  
Verify that the ON/OFF switch at the rear of the modem to the OFF (Down) position.  
MultiModemBA User Guide  
Connect the modem to a dial-up line by attaching the RJ-11 telephone cord (provided with your  
unit) to the LINE connector on the modem and to a dial-up wall jack. Refer to Figure 2-2.  
EIA RS232C  
Figure 2-2. MultiModemBA/BAI Connections  
Attach the EIA RS-232C connector on the modem to the serial port on your computer or terminal  
with an RS-232 (or V.24) cable (you supply). Refer to Figure 2-2.  
To connect a telephone set to the modem (optional) plug one end of an RJ-11 phone cord into  
the PHONE connector on the modem, and plug the other end into your telephone. Refer to  
Figure 2-2.  
Attach the AC Power transformer provided with your unit to the POWER connector on the  
modem and to a live AC outlet. Refer to Figure 2-2.  
Note: Only apply power to the modem using the power transformer provided with your unit. Use  
of a power supply not designed for your unit could result in damage to your modem and will void  
the warranty.  
Apply power to the unit by setting the ON/OFF switch at the rear of the modem to the ON (Up)  
position. Refer to Figure 2-2.  
2.3 Installing Data Communications Software  
Data communications software is designed to send and receive messages. Multi-Tech includes a  
data communications software program, PhoneTools, with your modem. However, the modem will  
work with any data communications software.  
To install PhoneTools, insert the PhoneTools CD in you CD-ROM drive and click the PhoneTools  
icon. You will be asked to choose your language. The software will then automatically load onto your  
Chapter 3 - Software Configuration and Modem Basics  
MultiModemBA User Guide  
3.1 Introduction  
Chapter 2 described the installation of PhoneTools, a communications software. If you are using a  
different software package, there are some points you should take into consideration. Since your  
communications software configuration is affected by the capabilities of your computer, this chapter  
begins with a discussion of the limitations of some serial ports and how to identify them. It then  
discusses communications configuration in general and recommends settings specifically for the  
MultiModem. The last section of this chapter walks you through the basics of using your modem.  
3.2 Configuring Your Software  
Communications software must be configured to work with your modem, your computer, and the  
remote system it is calling. Fortunately, most communications programs make the process easy by  
providing a default initialization string for your modem as well as defaults for most of the other  
required parameters.  
Configuring Software for Your Modem  
Because remote computers may have different connection requirements such as speed, number of  
bits, parity, log-on sequences, etc., communications software is typically configured by sessions,  
each session having a unique configuration for a given connection. Most communications programs,  
however, have a separate modem configuration menu because modem configurations rarely change  
from session to session.  
The most important configuration is the modem initialization string. This is a sequence of commands  
the software uses to configure the modem when the communications software is loaded or when a  
session begins. Always begin the initialization string with the ATtention command AT, then follow it  
with the modem reset command, &F. Issuing a reset command before other commands ensures that  
you are starting with a known state.  
The rest of the commands in the initialization string depend on the capabilities of the modem and  
what you want it to do. Some older communications programs require you to create the initialization  
string by yourself. Most modern communications programs, however, provide you with a ready-made  
initialization string that is automatically selected when you choose your modem model from a list. It is  
a poor idea to use an initialization string intended for another modem, especially one from another  
manufacturer, because modem capabilities and command implementations vary from modem to  
modem. However, if your MultiModem does not appear on a modem list, you may use the  
MultiModemII initialization string.  
3.4 PC Initialization Strings  
We recommend the following initialization string for a MultiModem connected to a PC-compatible  
computer when sharing a line with a telephone:  
AT &F X4 S0=0 ^M  
This string resets the modem to the factory default settings, selects extended result codes with NO  
DIAL TONE and BUSY, and turns off auto-answer. ^M must end every string sent to the modem from  
software. It is the ASCII code for the RETURN key on most keyboards, and the default code for the  
carriage return character in the modem and most communications programs. The carriage return  
character is defined in the modem in S-register S3; if you change it, you must also change the  
carriage return character code used in your communications software. If you send a command  
directly to the modem in terminal mode rather than indirectly through communications software, you  
must end the command string by pressing the RETURN key (<CR>) instead of adding ^M to the  
The following initialization string is for a MultiModem on a telephone line that functions solely as a  
AT &F X4 S0= 2 ^M  
Chapter 3 - Software Configuration  
Changing Default Parameters  
By default, the modem will answer after the first ring and try to communicate with a modem on the  
other end of the line. If you have one telephone line for voice, fax, and modem communications, the  
modem may attempt to answer all incoming calls, voice as well as data. To change auto-answer to  
default off, open your communications program and type the following string in the terminal window:  
AT &F S0=0 &F9 &W0 <CR>  
This string selects the factory default parameters, then turns auto-answer off and stores that setting,  
along with all other current parameters, in nonvolatile memory. The &F9 command causes the  
modem to load the values from nonvolatile memory the next time it receives the &F command. You  
will use the same initialization string as before:  
AT &F X4 ^M  
But now the modem will load the values stored in nonvolatile memory when you turn on the modem  
and when you issue the ATZ or AT&F reset commands.  
Note: Because it clears the command buffer, you should not use ATZ in an initialization string.  
Other Parameters  
The default values for the other parameters in modem configuration menus rarely need changing.  
They typically include the dialing prefix (ATDT for touch-tone service and ATDP for rotary service),  
the dialing suffix (^M), the hang-up string (+++ATH0^M), and response messages (RING, NO  
CARRIER, BUSY, etc.). Communications software with a host mode might also include an auto-  
answer string (AT S0=1^M).  
3.5 Configuring Software for Your Computer  
You must configure your communications software to match your computers configuration. If the  
modem is connected to the COM2 serial port, you must tell the software you are using COM2.  
Another important parameter is the serial port baud rate. This is the speed at which your modem  
communicates with your computer, not the speed at which your modem communicates with another  
modem. When V.42bis data compression is enabled, you must have a serial port baud rate four  
times the transmission speed of the modem to fully optimize compression. So if your UART is fast  
enough, you should set the serial port baud rate to a minimum of four times the top speed of your  
If you have an 8250 UART, your most reliable serial port speed will be 9600 bps; if you have an  
8250A or a 16450 UART, try 19,200 bps; if you have a 16550 UART or equivalent, a serial port  
setting of 115,200 bps can be set reliably.  
Configuring Software for the Remote System  
You must meet the requirements of the remote system for successful communications. Though the  
modem can automatically match the speed of the other modem, you must specify parameters such  
as type of flow control, break length, number of data bits, number of stop bits, and parity. If you set  
these parameters incorrectly with the remote system, gibberish will appear on your screen.  
MultiModemBA User Guide  
Terminal Emulation  
If you are accessing the remote computer as if from an on-site terminal, the keyboard codes used by  
your computer may not match the ones used by the remote computer. To be compatible with the  
remote computer, your software must be able to substitute the appropriate codes in what is known as  
terminal emulation. Most communications programs can emulate the most common mainframe  
terminals, including the DEC VT100, VT102, and VT52 terminals, and the basic TTY mode. If in  
doubt about which to choose for a BBS, try ANSI or VT100 first.  
File Transfer Protocols  
When you upload or download files with your modem, the host computer will ask which file transfer  
protocol you want to use. Most communications programs allow you to choose a default protocol.  
Your softwares documentation should list the ones it can use (not all communications programs  
support all protocols). Zmodem is the recommended protocol for most transfers.  
Chapter 4 - Command Mode  
MultiModemBA User Guide  
4.1 Introduction  
AT commands are the means by which you, and your communications software, are able to  
communicate with and configure your modem. They enable you to establish, read, and modify  
parameters in addition to dialing. The following provides both a summary and a detailed explanation  
of the AT commands recognized by the MultiModem.  
AT Command Editing  
The BACKSPACE key on your keyboard can be used to edit characters in the AT command line. An  
AT command is not executed until the RETURN key is pressed. The BACKSPACE key erases the  
previous character for reentering.  
The BACKSPACE key does not erase the AT characters once they are entered. If your keyboard  
has no BACKSPACE key, CTRL-H does the same thing. The character recognized by the modem  
as BACKSPACE may be changed to any other ASCII character with S-Register S5.  
If you wish to cancel an entire command that has been entered but not yet executed, enter CTRL-X.  
This also clears the command buffer. The effect is the same as backspacing to cancel the entire  
command, only quicker.  
Characters entered in a command are stored in the modem's Command Buffer (memory) until  
executed by hitting RETURN. The Command Buffer's capacity is sixty characters. The Attention  
Characters AT do not count in the sixty allowed Command characters. Spaces, which may be used  
for increased display readability, may be used when entering a command, but are not stored in the  
Command Buffer and are not counted in the sixty allowed characters. Hyphens, parentheses, etc. are  
not allowed.  
If the sixty character limit is exceeded or if invalid characters are entered, the Command Buffer  
automatically erases, and an ERROR message appears. You would then re-enter your command  
within the sixty-character maximum, using only the allowed characters.  
Functional Modes  
The MultiModem can be in one of two functional states (see Figure 4-1). These are "Command  
mode" and "On-line mode". (There is also an in-between state, "Wait-for-Carrier", where the modem  
is out of Command mode but not yet really On-Line.  
When the modem is initially powered up, it is in Command mode and is ready to accept commands  
from your keyboard or software. The modem enters On-line mode after dialing, making a connection  
with another modem, and then detecting a valid carrier signal. If no carrier is detected within a certain  
time frame, the modem abandons the call and re-enters Command mode.  
Once on line, the modem exits On-line mode if one of two conditions is met. If the carrier is lost or  
intentionally dropped, the modem hangs up and re-enters Command mode. Also, if the modem  
recognizes the Escape sequence for which it is configured (i.e., either the Escape characters in the  
serial data stream, the Remote Escape characters in the modulated data stream, or the Break  
signal), the modem will exit On-line mode, retain the datacomm link, and enter Command mode.  
You can force the modem into On-line mode without dialing by sending the ATD or ATA command to  
the modem.  
Chapter 4 - Command Mode  
Dial (D or A) command,  
or incoming phone call  
No carrier  
Carrier detected  
AT0 Command  
Carrier lost  
Figure 41. Functional Modes  
4.2 Summary of AT Commands  
A wide variety of autodial operations and modem options can be controlled when the modem is in  
Command Mode. Remember, nearly all commands begin with AT.  
These commands are organized into several functional groups. An alphabetical summary of  
commands is provided in Appendix D.  
A: or : Continuous Redial  
DTR Dialing  
Voice/Data Dialing  
Dial a Stored Number  
Pulse/Tone Dialing  
Set Pulse Dial Ratios  
Automatic Pauses in dialing  
Long Space Disconnect  
Wait for New Dial Tone  
Return to Command Mode After Dial  
Reverse Mode of Operation  
Flash On Hook  
AT&T "Calling Card" Tones  
Quiet Answer  
D...N Store Phone Numbers  
Number Linking  
List Numbers Stored in Memory  
MultiModemBA User Guide  
Load Factory Defaults  
Store Configuration & S-Register  
Reset Modem  
Result Code Terse/Verbose  
Synchronous/Asynchronous Mode Select  
Synchronous Transmit Clock Select  
Result Codes Enable/Disable Response  
Result Code Selection  
Echo Command Characters  
Result Code Terse/Verbose  
Result Code...Basic/Extended/Call Progress  
Guard Tones  
Monitor Phone Line  
Remote Digital Loop Signal  
Enable/Disable Trellis Coded Modulation  
Bell/V.21 Tones  
Fallback When On-Line  
&CD Cleardown at Disconnect (2834 Series only)  
Auto-Speed Detect  
Carrier Detect Control  
Data Terminal Ready Control  
Clear To Send Control  
Data Set Ready Control  
CTS/RTS Control  
DSR/CD Control  
Normal Mode  
Auto-Reliable Mode  
Reliable Mode  
Negotiate V.42 Mode During Handshake  
Direct LAPM/Phase Out Handshake  
Auto-Reliable Buffering  
Enable/Disable Auto-Reliable Fallback Character  
Retransmit Count  
Error Correction at 300 bps  
Flow Control Disabled  
Hardware Flow Control  
Xon/Xoff Modem-Initiated  
Xon/Xoff Modem Responds/No Pass-Through  
Xon/Xoff Modem Responds/Pass-Through Allowed  
Send Single/Multiple Xoff Characters  
Enq/Ack Off  
Enq/Ack On  
&E10 Normal Mode Modem Flow Control Off  
&E11 Normal Mode Modem Flow Control On  
&E12 Computer-Initiated/Off  
&E13 Computer-Initiated/On  
&BS Maximum Block Size  
10/11 bit Asynchronous Format  
Parity Selection  
Chapter 4 - Command Mode  
&E14 Data Compression Disabled  
&E15 Data Compression Enabled  
CONFIGURE SPEED $BA0 Speed Conversion On  
$BA1 Speed Conversion Off  
$MB Set modem speed (e.g.,$MB14400)  
Set serial port speed (e.g.,$SB57600)  
Product Code Inquiry  
I 9  
Windows 95 Autodetect Inquiry (2834 Series only)  
List Current Operating Parameters  
List S-Register Values  
List additional Configuration Parameters  
List On-Line Diagnostics  
Off Hook  
+++AT<CR> Escape Sequence: Entering Command Mode while On-Line  
Escape Sequence Options...Entering Command Mode while On-Line  
Force Answer Mode  
Exit Command Mode/Go Back On-Line  
%DF Format Line Probe Display (Graph or Table Format)  
%DP Enable/Disable Reading Line Probe From DSP during handshake  
(2834 Series only)  
Display of Signal Strength Information  
Display Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR)  
L11 Display of Noise Information  
&RP Initiates Retrain to Read Line Probe Parameters  
Read Current S-Register Value  
Assign S-Register Value  
#CBN Passwords for Callback Phone Numbers  
Callback Security Enable/Disable  
Change LOGIN Password  
Erase Password Linked with Memory Location xx  
Change SETUP Password  
Self-Test Modem (Chapter 8)  
Enable/Disable Digital Loopback Signal  
MultiModemBA User Guide  
4.3 Result Codes  
The Command mode provides you with several responses, or Result Codes, that can aid you in  
Command mode operation. These Result Codes are displayed on your video monitor.  
You can choose result codes that closely match those of the standard AT command set, or choose  
enhanced function result codes that have been used in Multi-Tech modems ("Multi-Tech" responses).  
The &Q command selects which result codes will be used.  
You can choose to have these Result Codes displayed in either verbose(full words) or terse”  
(digits) format. This is controlled by the ATV0 (terse) or ATV1 (verbose) commands. The modem  
defaults to verbose format.  
AT&Q0 selects Multi-Tech responses with Reliable/LAPM/Compression modifiers. The terse  
response code for CONNECT 2400 is 9. AT&Q1 selects Standard AT command set responses. The  
terse result code for CONNECT 2400 is 10.  
The following tables define the result codes generated by the &Q command (refer to Appendix G for  
Result Code Summary).  
"Multi-Tech" Result Codes  
CONNECT 1200  
CONNECT 4800  
CONNECT 9600  
CONNECT 14400  
CONNECT 19200  
CONNECT 21600  
CONNECT 24000  
CONNECT 26400  
CONNECT 28800  
CONNECT 31200  
CONNECT 33600  
CONNECT 2400  
* With MNP error correction on, RELIABLE (or R) is added to these result codes. With LAP-M error  
correction on, LAP-M (or L) is added to these result codes. With data compression on,  
COMPRESSED (or C) is added. (Note these "Extended" Result Codes are displayed when your  
modem is set up to do so with an X1, X2, X3, or X4 command.)  
"Standard AT" Result Codes  
CONNECT 1200  
CONNECT 4800  
CONNECT 9600  
CONNECT 14400  
CONNECT 19200  
CONNECT 21600  
CONNECT 24000  
CONNECT 26400  
CONNECT 28800  
CONNECT 31200  
CONNECT 33600  
CONNECT 2400  
*Reliable/Compression modifiers are not displayed with Standard AT Result Codes.  
Chapter 4 - Command Mode  
4.4 Dialing Commands  
Dialing Action Commands  
Dial Command D  
The letter D in a command causes the modem to dial the telephone number immediately following it.  
For example, if you enter ATD5551212 and hit RETURN, the modem dials the number 555-1212.  
The D command is also used in conjunction with a telephone set for manual dialing. You dial the  
number on your telephone set, and after hearing the answer tone on your handset, you type ATD on  
your keyboard and hit RETURN. Then hang up the headset. Unless you have a specific need to dial  
in this manner, we recommend you use the first method, where the telephone number is entered on  
your keyboard.  
The modem gives you several choices of dialing methods. You can use tone or pulse dialing, by  
inserting a letter T or a P in the command string.  
You can also configure the modem to either wait for and detect dial tones and busy signals (which we  
call Wait-for-Dial-Tonedialing or Smartdialing), or work with timed pauses without dial tone and  
busy signal detection (which we call Blinddialing; see Section on XCommand.)  
Note: There is another method of dialing, called DTR Dialing, where by manipulating the DTR  
signal on pin 20 of the RS-232C/V.24 interface, a number stored in the modem's memory is  
automatically dialed. See description of $D command (in this section) for details.  
Continuous Redial (not used in BAI) A: or :  
If you select the Wait-For-Dial-Tone method of dialing (see X3 or X4 command), you can command  
the modem to continuously redial (up to 10 re-dials for DOC units) a busy number until your call is  
answered. This is done with the A: command.  
This command would be used only if you had already reached a busy number after executing a  
normal dial command. You simply enter A: (you need not enter AT, nor do you need to hit RETURN),  
and the modem will redial the number for you. If you again reach a busy signal, it re-dials again and  
again until it no longer detects a busy signal. You can stop the modem from re-dialing by pressing  
any key.  
Another method used to cause the modem to redial a phone number continuously is to enter a colon  
: at the end of the phone number. The result is the same as if you had entered A: after personally  
observing that the number was busy on the first dialing attempt. Using the colon in the dialing string is  
a step saver.  
Dialing a Stored Number N  
A telephone number that you have stored in the modems number memory may be automatically  
dialed by entering ATNn where n = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 or 9. For example, a number stored at N3  
would be dialed by entering ATN3 and RETURN. Do not include the letter D in this command, or the  
stored number will be erased.  
MultiModemBA User Guide  
DTR Dialing $D  
An alternate method of causing the modem to automatically dial is DTR Dialing. Data Terminal Ready  
(DTR) is a signal that comes into the modem from the terminal or computer to which it is connected,  
on pin 20 of the RS-232C interface. In DTR dialing, the modem automatically dials a stored number  
as soon as it receives a high DTR Signal. The DTR dialing method is popular in synchronous  
To activate DTR Dialing, enter AT$D1 and hit RETURN. The modem dials the phone number stored  
in the N0 location of memory when it receives a high DTR signal. DTR must remain high for the  
duration of the call, until disconnect. To deactivate DTR dialing, enter AT$D0 and hit RETURN.  
Note when using DTR Dialing in a synchronous application, be sure DIP-Switch #8 is in the UP  
position to disable V.25bis Command mode.  
Voice/Data Dialing $VD  
Another alternate method of causing the modem to automatically dial is Voice/Data Dialing. With  
Voice/Data Dialing, the modem automatically dials the phone number stored in the N1 position of  
memory whenever the Voice/Data switch is toggled. You must first enter AT$VD1&W0<CR>. This  
command string enables Voice/Data dialing when the Voice/Data toggle switch is activated. To  
disable Voice/Data Dialing (default), enter the command AT$VD0 W0<CR>.  
Dial Modifier Commands  
There are several command characters that can be included within a dialing command (following the  
letter D), called Dial Modifiers. They have various functions, including the selection of Pulse or Tone  
Dialing, pauses in the dial sequence, automatic re-dials if a number is busy, and reverting to the  
Command mode or switching to the Answer mode after dialing.  
Pulse or Tone Dial P T  
The modem dials numbers using either pulse or tone dialing, or a combination of both methods.  
Pulse dialing is a method used by rotary-dial telephones, which involves the timed opening and  
closing of line relay.  
Tone dialing is the method used by push-button (touch tone) telephones, and is sometimes referred  
to as DTMF, or Dual-Tone Multi-Frequency dialing.  
The method used is selected by including a P for Pulse or a T for Tone in the dialing command, right  
before the digits you wish to have dialed in that manner.  
For example, you would pulse-dial the number 555-1212 by entering ATDP5551212 and hitting  
RETURN. You could tone-dial the same number by entering ATDT5551212 and hitting RETURN. If  
neither Pulse nor Tone dialing is specified in the dial command, the modem uses whatever method  
used last. If the modem has been reset or just powered up, it uses Pulse dialing, even if the letter P is  
not included in your dial command.  
Nearly all telephone systems in the U.S. are now compatible with tone dialing. Since that is the faster  
method, you will probably choose the tone method for your dialing.  
An example of combining pulse and tone dialing could involve a PBX system where 9 had to be  
pulse-dialed first, then the rest of the number tone-dialed after pausing for a second dial tone. The  
number would be dialed by entering ATDP9, T5551212 and RETURN. (The comma causes a pause,  
which well explain soon.)  
Chapter 4 - Command Mode  
Set Pulse Dial Ratios &P  
This command sets the time ratios between the open and closed portions of the dialing pulse  
frequencies. To set the dialing pulse ratio of 60 mSec to 40 mSec, enter AT&P0. To set a ratio of 67  
mSec to 33 mSec, enter AT&P1. The factory default is &P0.  
Automatic Pauses in Dialing ,  
You can cause the modem to pause during the dialing sequence by entering a comma character  
where the pause is desired. This pause lasts two seconds. If a longer pause is desired, more than  
one comma may be entered consecutively, with each comma causing a two second pause. You also  
have the option of changing the length of the pause caused by the comma, from two seconds to any  
other value from 0 up to 255 seconds. This is done by setting S-Register S8 (refer to Chapter 6).  
Each comma in a dialing command counts as one of the sixty allowed characters.  
Long Space Disconnect Y  
When two modems are connected in Normal mode (i.e. without error correction) there is no "polite"  
means of requesting a disconnect. A link disconnect request packet is sent under reliable  
connections. As a result some "garbage" may be received when a hang-up command is issued. The  
Y1 command enables the modem to use the break signal which accomplishes the hang-up as an  
instruction to shut off its receiver and disconnect (both modems must have Y1 enabled for this  
feature to be effective). Y0 (factory default) disables this function.  
Wait for New Dial-Tone W  
A W inserted in the dialing command causes the modem to wait for another dial tone, and not resume  
dialing until another dial tone is detected.  
It is not necessary to enter a W at the beginning of the dialing command to wait for a modem dial  
tone, because the modem will do that first (pause automatically).  
In order for this command to work, you must select Wait-For-Dial Tone dialing with the X2 or X4  
command, so that your modem will be able to detect the dial tone.  
Return to Command Mode After Dial Command Execution ;  
A semicolon (;), entered as the last character of a dialing command causes the modem to return to  
the Command mode immediately after executing the command, instead of waiting for a carrier signal  
and going on line.  
For example, entering ATDT5551212; would tone-dial the number, and do nothing afterwards except  
go back into Command mode. This can be useful in dialing applications where modem data transfer  
is not desired, such as voice communications, or in applications involving the use of touch tones as a  
data entry method, such as bank-by-phone.  
Reverse the Mode of Operation R  
In certain operations you may need to reverse the mode of operation for your modem from originate  
to answer or answer to originate so that it would answer the phone and go into answer mode. This  
command turns off the reversing function with the R0 command and turns it on with the R1 command  
with the modem in either command mode. If you want to reverse from the originate mode, use R (with  
no number) in the dialing string.  
MultiModemBA User Guide  
Flash On Hook !  
Some switchboard systems react to a momentary On Hook. An exclamation mark inserted in the  
command causes the modem to flashon hook for a half of a second, as if you had held the switch  
hook button on a telephone down for a half second.  
For example, to flash On Hook after dialing the number 555-1234 in order to transfer to Extension  
#5678, you might enter ATDT5551234,,!5678. The commas cause a 4 second pause (just to be  
"Calling Card" Detect Tones $  
The modem has the capability to detect AT&T "calling card" tones for the purpose of utilizing the  
user's calling card number to originate an on-line connection. An $ symbol placed in the dialing string  
causes the modem to pause and wait for an AT&T "calling card" or a 1600 Hz tone (prevalent in the  
United Kingdom). When the tone is detected, the rest of the dialing string is processed. If no tones  
are detected within the time period set by S-Register S7 (default 45 seconds), the modem will abort  
by indicating a NO CARRIER message. Hitting any key also aborts the $ command.  
The following is an example of this command:  
(access/phone number) (credit card number)  
Quiet Answer @  
The @ command causes the modem to wait before processing the next symbol in the dialing string.  
The wait is for one or more ringbacks followed by 5 seconds of silence. If the time specified by S-  
Register S7 passes before the rings and silence, a NO ANSWER (R) result code is processed. The  
@ command is used for accessing a system that does not provide a dial tone.  
For example, ATDT5551212@6313550 causes the modem to dial the first number (555-1212) and  
wait for the time specified in S7 for at least one ringback and 5 seconds of silence. If a busy signal is  
detected, the modem hangs up and generates a BUSY result code. If it does not detect 5 seconds of  
silence, a NO ANSWER result code is generated after hanging up. If 5 seconds of silence is  
detected, the second number (631-3550) is then dialed.  
Phone Number Memory Commands  
Storing Phone Numbers D...N  
A telephone number and command line of up to sixty characters may be stored in the modems  
number memory. As many as ten of these numbers may be stored. Each number will be given a  
name, using the codes N0, N1, N2 up to N9.  
A phone number is stored by entering ATD, then the number as it would be dialed, along with any P,  
T, R, ; or comma characters, and then entering N followed by the numbers name,which would be  
any number from 0 through 9, and then hitting RETURN.  
For example, the tone-dialed number 1-612-631-3550 would be stored as number N3 by entering  
ATDT16126313550N3 and RETURN. The number is not dialed with this store command. After  
storing a number, check to see that it has been stored correctly by typing ATL and hitting RETURN.  
When phone numbers are stored, the entire command line is also stored so that you can effectively  
create a macro for each number. For example, if you know a particular number needs to have  
extended result codes, detect busy or dial tone, error correction, Xon/Xoff flow control, pacing, and  
data compression enabled, the command line would be:  
ATX4&E1&E5&E13&E15DT16126313550N3. This would store the entire command at location N3.  
Chapter 4 - Command Mode  
Number Linking NN  
You may command the modem to dial another number automatically if the first number dialed is  
busy. This would be useful in a situation where a computer can be accessed through more than one  
phone number. This is called linking.  
To link the number in N1 to the number N2, simply enter ATN1N2 and hit RETURN. Several numbers  
can be linked in the same command. For example, you could link N1 to N2 to N3 to N4 by entering  
ATN1N2N3N4 and RETURN or you could link N1 to N2 and back to N1 and then back to N2 by  
entering ATN1N2N1N2 and RETURN.  
The only limit on the number of numbers that can be linked is the 60 characters allowed in a  
command line. Number linking can not be used with blind dialing, since busy signals would not be  
detected. You would have to select the Wait-for-Dial tone dialing method using the X Command in  
order to use the Number Linking feature.  
Listing Numbers Stored in Memory L  
Telephone numbers that you have stored in the modems memory may be listed and displayed with  
the L command. It will display all ten stored N numbers in a format like that shown below. All digits  
and command letters will be shown. The numbers name(0 thru 9) is shown first, followed by the  
complete dialing command and telephone number as originally entered.  
Simply enter ATL and hit RETURN to display these numbers on your video screen or printer. An  
example of an L command listing is shown below:  
Configuration and Default Storage Commands  
Store Configuration & S-Register Parameters in Non-Volatile Memory &W  
The modem can store configuration parameters and S-Register values in its nonvolatile read/write  
Random Access Memory (RAM) memory. The &W command does this, which prevents any re-  
configuration from being lost on a power-down or Reset (ATZ) condition.  
&W0 (or AT&W) causes the modem to store your customized AT command settings and S-Register  
values in its nonvolatile RAM. &W0 also sets the modem so that it reads your customized settings  
stored in nonvolatile RAM when powered down or reset. (The &W0 command only changes the  
settings stored in nonvolatile RAM that you specifically intend to alter. All other default parameters  
are applicable.)  
&W1 causes the modem not to store your customized settings to nonvolatile RAM so that, after  
powering down or resetting the modem, it reads the factory default settings stored in ROM.  
MultiModemBA User Guide  
Loading Factory Defaults &F  
The &F command provides a choice between customized configuration settings in RAM and the  
factory default configuration settings in ROM. The &F8 and &F9 commands define the function of the  
&F command.  
The modem is shipped from the factory with a pre-configured set of command and S-Register default  
settings. This set of factory defaults can be recalled by issuing the &F command.  
In addition to being able to recall the factory-installed defaults, the &F command can also recall those  
defaults stored under &W0.  
This is done using the &F9 command. If you have stored parameters with the &W0 command and  
wish these settings to always be used as your defaults, you would enter &F9&W0.  
To return the &F command to read factory installed defaults, enter &F8&W0. &F8 is the factory  
Many datacomm program issue the &F command automatically- the &F9 command allows the user  
to select their own factory defaults. Note that the &F8/&F9 commands should be used with &W0.  
Following is a summary of how the &F and Z reset commands interact with the &W command; note  
how the &F reset command operates differently from the Z reset command:  
Previous Command AT&F  
Power-On and ATZ  
AT&W1 (default)  
Modem Reset Z  
The Z command can be used to reset the entire Command Mode buffer and the result is the same as  
if you had disconnected, and then reconnected power to the modem. When an ATZ command is  
executed, the state of the &W command determines where the default values originate. &W0 defaults  
come from RAM and &W1 defaults come from ROM.  
Unix UUCP Spoofing $SP  
The modem can be configured in a Unix environment that employs ACK flow control as a means of  
monitoring data integrity. The modem can do UUCP spoofing, where the modem is able to generate  
ACKs at the DTE interface. Data is transmitted more time efficiently because the delay of waiting for  
data to be received, then for an ACK to be returned at the remote end, is eliminated. The $SP1  
command enables UUCP spoofing and the default command $SP0 disables UUCP spoofing.  
Async/Sync Mode Switching &M  
This command can be used to set the on-line mode to either synchronous or asynchronous. AT&M0  
will set the modem to Asynchronous mode, and all communications will be Asynchronous, in both  
On-line and Command modes. AT&M1 causes the modem to communicate asynchronously when in  
Command mode and switch to synchronous mode while on-line. The modem defaults to &M0  
(asynchronous communications) on reset or power-up.  
Synchronous Transmit Clock Select &X  
The &X command selects the Synchronous Transmit Clock Source in conjunction with DIP-Switch  
#11. DIP-Switch #11 in the UP position enables External clocking. DIP-Switch #11 in the DOWN  
position enables Internal clocking (default position). External clocking is when the DTE provides  
transmit clocking to the modem on pin 24 of the RS-232C interface.  
Chapter 4 - Command Mode  
&X0 is the default setting, which allows DIP-Switch #11 to control Internal/External Clocking (default  
Internal). Internal clocking is when the modem provides transmit clock to the DTE on pin 15 of the  
RS-232C/V.24 interface. The &X1 command overrides DIP-Switch #11 and selects External clocking.  
If DIP-Switch #11 is UP (External clocking), you can not override Internal clocking. &X2 enables  
Slave Clocking. The &X2 Command causes the modem to generate the transmit clock timing (pin 15)  
from the receive clock (pin 17) from the DTE (therefore 15 and 17 are the same). In this mode (Slave  
Clocking), all timing is controlled by the receive clock.  
Command Response (Result Code) Commands  
Echo Command Mode Characters E  
If the modem is connected to a full-duplex computer, it may be necessary for the modem to be  
configured to echo back characters entered while in the Command Mode in order for them to be  
displayed. The E command is used to configure the Command Mode echo, with ATE0 disabling the  
echo and ATE1 enabling the echo (default).  
Result Codes Enable/Disable and No Response Answer Q  
The Q command enables or disables Result Codes and the No Response Answer mode of operation.  
Result Codes may be disabled altogether in certain applications, such as computer-controlled auto  
dialing, using the Q command. ATQ1 disables Result Code transmissions. ATQ0 (or ATQ) enables  
Result Code transmission.  
Regarding No Response Answer, you may want the answer mode handled without responses and  
echo turned off, but want the originate mode still intelligent. This is called the No Response Answer  
mode. ATQ2 selects the No Response Answer mode. If you do not select any mode, the factory  
default setting (enable Result Codes) is automatically selected.  
Result Codes ("Multi-Tech" or "Standard AT") &Q  
The modem gives you a choice between the Multi-Tech Result Codes, and Result Codes that more  
closely match the standard AT command set responses.  
AT&Q1 selects AT responses with no Reliable/Compression modifiers. With this command, the  
terse result code for CONNECT 2400 is 10.  
AT&Q0 selects Multi-Tech responses with Reliable/Compression modifiers. With this command, the  
terse result code for CONNECT 2400 is 9.  
Result Codes (Verbose/Terse) V  
The V command controls whether the modems result codes are displayed as word (verbose) or  
single digit (terse) messages.  
For example, if after dialing, no carrier signal is detected, the resulting message can be displayed  
either as NO CARRIER, or as the digit 3.  
Entering ATV0 (or ATV) causes the modem to display the Result Codes as digits, while ATV1  
displays them as words. If you do not select a method, the factory default setting causes the modem  
to display Result Codes as words.  
MultiModemBA User Guide  
Result Codes (Basic and Extended) and Call Progress Selection X  
The X Command is used to select one of two possible dialing methods (dumbor smart), and to  
select various response combinations related to these methods. You can choose to have certain  
responses suppressed, or whether or not you want speed indications along with the CONNECT  
responses. You can also pick and choose certain responses in order to match up with Standard AT”  
The modem provides Basicand ExtendedResult Code sets. The difference between the two is  
the Basic set provides one response (CONNECT) to indicate a connection, while the Extended set  
provides several responses for different speeds (CONNECT, CONNECT 2400, CONNECT 4800,  
CONNECT 9600, Etc.).  
When the Extended set is chosen, you also have the option of matching them up with Standard AT  
2400 response code sets, by including or not including the BUSY and/or NO DIAL TONE  
responses while excluding the DIAL TONE response. The X command is used to select which  
responses are provided.  
Regarding the modems method of dialing, the modem can detect standard dial tones and busy  
signals. This capability (smart dialing) allows the modem to wait for a dial tone, and when one is  
detected, to begin dialing immediately.  
The modem also can detect a distant busy signal, if after dialing, it reaches a busy number. This is  
useful because it allows the modem to immediately abandon a call, rather than wait 45 seconds for a  
carrier signal that will never come. S-Register S7 defines the wait for carrier time (refer to Chapter 6).  
The modem gives you a choice between the wait-for-dial-tone (smart) method we just described,  
and blind (dumb) dialing, where instead of detecting actual dial tones, the modem relies on timed  
pauses. When the wait-for-dial-tone method is chosen, the busy signal detection capability is also  
activated. The X command is also used to select which dialing method is used.  
Five different X commands are available (X0 through X4), with five different effects on the modems  
Result Codes.  
X0 Provides the basic (short) result codes and provides dumbdial capabilities.  
X1 Provides the extended result codes and provides dumbdial capabilities.  
The remaining X commands affect Call Progress, and turn on Extended Result Codes.  
X2 Looks for dial tone only and will not provide a busy response.  
X3 Looks for busy only and not look for dial tone.  
X4 Looks for dial tone and for busy.  
The factory default setting is X0, which selects Basic Result Codes and the blind (dumb) method of  
Phone Line Conditioning Commands  
Guard Tones (Not Used in BAI Models) &G  
The &G command is used to control the presence or absence of guard tones from the transmitter  
when in Answer mode, at either 1200 or 2400 bps. Guard tones are used in Europe and other areas  
for the modem to function in the telephone systems. Guard tones are not used in the United States.  
&G0 (default), turns off CCITT guard tones. &G1 turns on 550 Hz guard tones. &G2 turns on 1800  
Hz guard tones. This command is not used in international models.  
Chapter 4 - Command Mode  
Bell/V.21 Tone  
The B command selects the frequency that the modem uses for its answer tone. (The answer tone is  
the tone transmitted by a modem receiving a call to the modem that called it, which initiates the  
handshaking between the two modems.) At higher speeds there is no conflict, because all use CCITT  
frequencies. At lower speeds (0-1200 bps), in the U.S., some modems use the Bell frequency of  
2225 Hz. However, the CCITT specification for V.22 has an answer tone frequency of 2100 Hz.  
The ATB0 command enables CCITT frequencies including V.21 (300 bps) and V.23 (1200/75 bps).  
The ATB1 command enables Bell frequencies including Bell 103 (300 bps). The modem default is  
Phone Line Monitoring Speaker M  
The modem has an internal on-board, speaker which functions like the speaker in a telephone  
handset to enable you to monitor phone line activity. The M command can be used to determine  
when the speaker is operational.  
Entering ATM0 disables the speaker completely, while ATM1 causes the speaker to be on only until  
a carrier signal is detected. ATM2 causes the speaker to remain on at all times. ATM3 causes the  
speaker to be on during dialing and off during handshake. ATM1 is the default setting, and the one  
that should be used in most applications.  
Enable or Disable Recognition of Remote Digital Loop Signal &T  
The modem has several self-test features (covered in Chapter 8). The tests are activated with  
different U commands, such as ATU1, and so forth. The &T command is a phone line conditioning  
command that enables or disables the modems ability to recognize the Remote Digital Loop (RDL)  
test signal.  
The AT&T4 command lets the modem respond to a RDL signal, and places itself in digital loop. The  
AT&T5 command causes the modem to ignore the RDL signal. The factory default is &T5.  
Enable/Disable Trelis Coded Modulation #T  
This command enables or disables the Trellis Coded Modulation of the modem. There is usually no  
need to disable (turn off) Trellis codings except under an unusual line condition called impulse noise.  
AT#T0 turns Trellis coding off and AT#T1 turns Trellis coding on (factory default).  
Fallback Modes When On-Line #F  
If line conditions deteriorate, the modem automatically drops its transmission speed (fallback). The  
#F command controls the different ways the modem falls back. During operation, if the error rate  
becomes too great, the modem performs a retrain. If after the retrain, the error rate is still too high for  
33600 bps operation, the modem initiates a retrain at 4800 bps. If after the first retrain the modem  
returns on line at 33600 bps , the modem then starts a counter and a timer. If three retrains occur  
within a two minute period, the modem falls back to 4800 bps.  
Entering AT#F0 (or AT#F) allows no fallback when on-line.  
AT#F1 allows the modem to fallback (based on the error rate or if three retrains have occurred within  
a two minute period) from:  
33.6K to 31.2K to 28.8K to 26.4K to 24K to 21.6K to 19.2K to 16.8K to 14.4K to 12K  
to 9.6K to 4.8K bps.  
The AT#F2 command enables incremental fall back, but also enables incremental fall forward if the  
phone line improves. AT#F2 is the factory default setting.  
MultiModemBA User Guide  
Enable/Disable Lowspeed Fast Connect $FC  
Entering AT$FC0&W0<CR> sets up the data pump so that it will not transmit a 5 second 2100 Hz  
signal. Entering AT$FC0&W0<CR> allows the modem to transmit a 5 second 2100 Hz signal and is  
the factory default.  
Cleardown at Disconnect &CD  
The &CD command is used for control of cleardown at disconnect in V.32, V.32bis, V.34 and V.34  
enhanced modes.  
A cleardown usually adds 1-2 seconds to the time it takes for the modem to go on-hook after a  
disconnect. A cleardown makes a disconnect by the remote modem easier to detect and a  
subsequent re-connection more likely. Enter AT&CD0&W0<CR> to execute a cleardown at  
disconnect (default); and enter AT&CD1&W0<CR> to disable the cleardown function.  
Auto Speed Detect #A  
The function of the #A command is to detect and select the operational data rates (the starting”  
speeds) with which the modem uses for initial handshake and speed selection.  
Remember, this command does not control the originating data rate of the modem (that is done by  
the Modem Baud Rate command $MBn), but only the Answer mode startingspeeds.  
Entering AT#A0 (or AT#A) causes the modem to operate starting at:  
33,600 bps, with fallback to 28,800 to 19,200 to 14,400 to 9600 to 4800 to 2400 to 1200 and to 300  
Entering AT#A1 causes:  
33,600 bps operation only.  
Entering AT#A2 causes the modem to operate at starting speeds of:  
33,600 bps, with incremental fallback to 28,800, 19,200, 14,400, 9600 and 4800 bps.  
The AT#A3 command causes the modem to begin operation as a V.22bis modem at 2400 bps, with  
fallback to 1200 to 300 bps. AT#A0 is the factory default value.  
RS-232C Interface Control Commands  
Carrier Detect Control &C  
The &C command allows you to control the status of the Carrier Detect signal (CD-Pin 8) on the RS-  
232C line. You have four choices.  
You can force the signal high, or allow it to act normally, or force the modem to reset when CD drops,  
or set it to stay high until the modem disconnects, go low momentarily, and then go high again. The  
last option is useful with some CBX phone systems and mainframe front ends, which require CD to  
act in this manner.  
To allow CD to act normally, enter the command AT&C1 (the factory default setting). To force CD on,  
enter AT&C0. To reset the modem to its current parameters when CD drops, enter AT&C4. To set  
up CD so that it drops for one second on disconnect and then comes up again, enter AT&C2. (If you  
want the drop time to be something other than one second, use S-Register S24 to change this value.  
Refer to the Chapter 6 instructions for S24.  
Chapter 4 - Command Mode  
Data Terminal Ready Control &D  
Data Terminal Ready (DTR) on pin 20 of the RS-232C interface is required in order for the modem to  
operate. A high DTR signal tells the modem that the device to which it is connected is active, or  
"ready" to communicate through the modem. If the signal is not being provided on the RS-232C  
interface, you can force DTR high with DIP-Switch #1.  
DTR has some other modem functions. DTR can be used to trigger a dialing sequence, called DTR  
Dialing. The condition of DTR can also be used to cause the modem to reset to its default  
parameters, just as if you had given the modem an ATZ command. To do this, enter the command  
AT&D3 and hit RETURN.  
The modem will now reset itself whenever DTR is dropped from On to Off, and will also go on-hook  
(hang up) if it is on-line.  
Entering AT&D0 or AT&D causes the modem to ignore DTR. Entering AT&D1 causes the modem to  
go on-hook (hang up) with loss of DTR. The modem enters Command mode when DTR goes high  
again. Auto-answer is disabled while DTR is low. Entering AT&D2 causes the modem to go on hook  
with loss of DTR. The modem enters command mode when DTR goes high again.  
CTS Control &R  
The &R command allows you to control the Clear to Send signal (CTS-Pin 5) on the RS-232C  
interface. You have three choices. You can force the CTS signal high, allow it to act normally, or set it  
to stay high until the modem disconnects, go low momentarily, and then go high again. The last  
option is useful with some CBX phone systems and mainframe front ends, which require CTS to act  
in this manner.  
To allow CTS to act normally, enter the command AT&R0. To force CTS on, enter the command  
AT&R1 (this is the factory default setting). When the modem goes on-line, CTS still provides flow  
control. To set up CTS so that it drops for one second on disconnect and then comes up again, enter  
the command AT&R2. (If you want the drop time to be something other than one second, use S-  
Register S24 to change this value.  
Data Set Ready Control &S  
The &S command allows you to control the status of the Data Set Ready signal (DSR - pin 6) on the  
RS-232C interface. You have three choices. You can force the signal high, allow it to act normally, or  
set it to stay high until the modem disconnects, go low momentarily, and then go high again. The last  
option is useful with some CBX phone systems and mainframe front ends, which require DSR to act  
in this manner.  
To allow DSR to act normally, enter the command AT&S1 (the default setting). To force DSR on,  
enter the command AT&S0. To set up DSR so that it drops for one second on disconnect and then  
comes up again, enter AT&S2. If you want the drop time to be something other than one second, use  
S-Register S24 to change this value.  
CTS/RTS Interaction Control &RF  
In typical operation, Clear to Send follows Request to Send when the modem is on-line. In other  
words, if RTS goes off, CTS goes off in response. The &RF0 command enables CTS to follow RTS.  
In some applications, however, it may be necessary for CTS to operate independent of RTS. &RF1  
allows CTS to operate independently regardless of the state of RTS, and is the factory default. If this  
is the case, refer to the &R command for control of the Clear to Send signal.  
MultiModemBA User Guide  
DSR/CD Interaction Control &SF  
In typical applications, Data Set Ready (DSR) follows Carrier Detect (CD). &SF0 enables DSR to  
follow CD, and is the factory default. &SF1 enables DSR to operate independent of CD. If this is your  
application, refer to the &S command for control of the Data Set Ready signal.  
Error Correction Commands  
You can use AT commands to place your modem one of three V.42 (error correction) modes of  
operation. These are the Normal, Auto-Reliable, and Reliable modes.  
Normal Mode &E0  
In Normal mode of operation, the modems V.42 error correction capabilities are disabled, and the  
modem functions as a non-error-correcting modem.  
Auto-Reliable Mode &E1  
In Auto-Reliable mode during the handshaking procedures at the start of the on-line connection, the  
modem automatically determines whether or not the modem with which it is communicating is using  
V.42 error correction. If the modem determines that the other modem is using V.42, it switches itself  
into MNP or LAPM Reliable (V.42) mode and its error-correction capability is enabled. If it is  
determined that the other modem is not using V.42, the modem remains in Normal mode, without  
error correction. The default setting is Auto-Reliable mode (&E1).  
The method the modem uses to determine if the modem it calls is a V.42 modem involves the use of  
a Link Request.  
When the modem is in Auto-Reliable mode and originates a call, it goes through normal handshaking  
procedures just like any dial-up modem. After establishing the on-line connection, the modem  
transmits a Link Request message to the answering modem. (The Link Request message is  
generally about 33 coded characters.) If the answering modem replies with an appropriate V.42  
acknowledgment response, the modem switches into Reliable mode. Otherwise it stays in Normal  
mode. This V.42 Link Request handshaking procedure generally takes about five seconds.  
When operating in V.42 Reliable mode, the modem uses its memory, or buffer, to store data as it is  
received. During periods of error-caused retransmissions or compression slowdowns, this buffer may  
fill up. To prevent buffer overflow and subsequent loss of data, the modem uses "flow control" to  
signal the computer attached to its RS-232C port that the modem buffer is close to being full. This  
causes the computer to pause in its data transmission until the modem is able to empty its buffer  
sufficiently to accept more data, at which time the modem signals the computer that it may resume  
Reliable Mode &E2  
In Reliable mode, the modem uses its V.42 error correction capabilities during all transmissions, and  
must be connected to another modem with a similar protocol activated (MNP or LAP-M).  
V.42 Mode Select #L  
The V.42 standard implements both MNP Class 3 & 4 and LAP-M error correction methods. The V.42  
Mode Select command (#L) selects which type of error correction (MNP or LAP-M) your modem  
uses for transmissions.  
The various #L command options are as follows.  
Chapter 4 - Command Mode  
#L0 Command  
The #L0 Command allows a pair of modems to negotiate which V.42  
mode (MNP or LAP-M) will be used in their transmissions.  
Originate Mode  
a. If both modems have LAP-M capability, the modems use LAP-M  
b. If one or both modems do not have LAP-M capability and both  
have MNP, the modems use the MNP mode.  
Answer Mode  
a. The answering modem responds to either an MNP Link Request  
or LAP-M Originator Detection Pattern (ODP) signal depending on  
which the originating modem issues.  
#L1 Command  
#L2 Command  
#L3 Command  
The #L1 Command sets your modem to MNP error correction and  
disables LAP-M. This command is for Originate mode only. In  
Answer mode, the modem still accepts MNP or LAP-M.  
The #L2 Command sets your modem to LAP-M error correction, and  
disables MNP. This command is for Originate mode only. Answer  
mode still accepts MNP or LAP-M.  
In the prior commands, the modems use a two phase process to  
establish a V.42 connection (detection to establish whether the  
remote modem is also error correcting, and then protocol  
establishment to determine parameters and to establish the error  
correction connection). If you know that the other modem is a V.42  
error correcting modem, and you wish to use LAP-M, the #L3  
command disables the detection phase and goes directly to protocol  
establishment. Both modems must have #L3 in effect.  
Auto-Reliable Buffering $A  
In Auto-Reliable mode, the modem is given four seconds to establish a Reliable connection. After this  
four-second period, the modem drops to Normal mode. Any data which is received during this period  
is typically discarded. The $A command can be used to cause the modem to buffer (save) data that  
is received during this Auto-Reliable time-out period. This data will then be output by the modem after  
the CONNECT message.  
AT$A0 = Discard data received during auto-reliable time period.  
AT$A1 = Buffer data received during auto-reliable time period.  
The factory default is $A0.  
Enable/Disable Auto Reliable Fallback Character $F  
In Auto-Reliable mode, the modem is given four seconds to establish a Reliable connection. If a  
single CARRIAGE RETURN is received from the remote modem during this four second period, the  
Auto-Reliable modem assumes that the remote modem is not in Reliable mode and drops to Normal  
(non-error correcting) mode. The CARRIAGE RETURN is the only character which causes the  
modem to drop to Normal mode. Any other character will either be buffered or discarded.  
The $F command can be used to disable this fallback-to-Normal-due-to-CARRIAGE-RETURN  
The Auto-Reliable fallback character ($F) and Auto Reliable buffering ($A) commands can be used  
together to cause the modem to buffer all data received up until the CARRIAGE RETURN, and then  
drop to Normal mode. All data received will then be output following the CONNECT message.  
AT$F0 = Do not fall back to Normal if CARRIAGE RETURN received.  
AT$F1 = Fall back to Normal mode if CARRIAGE RETURN received.  
The factory default is $F0.  
MultiModemBA User Guide  
Retransmit Count $R  
If errors are received during a Reliable connection, the modem re-sends the block of data which  
contained an error. With the $R0 command, if another error occurs, the block will be re-sent again.  
The modem counts the number of times that a data block is re-sent. If the same block of data is  
resent 12 times and still has not been received properly, the modem assumes that the transmission  
line is unsuitable for transmission, and abort the connection.  
This retransmit counter is disabled by the $R1 command. When the retransmit counter is disabled,  
the modem keeps trying to send data and will not abort, no matter how many times the same block is  
AT$R0 = Disconnect if retransmit count is exceeded.  
AT$R1 = Do not disconnect due to retransmits.  
The factory default setting is $R0.  
V.42 Error Correction/300bps $E  
At 300 bps, error correction is not typically used. $E1 lets the modem function at 300 bps in either  
Normal (&E0), Auto-Reliable (&E1) or Reliable (&E2) mode. $E0, which is the modems default,  
disables 300 bps/V.42 error correction altogether.  
AT$E0 = No V.42 Error correction at 300 bps.  
AT$E1 = V.42 Error Correction at 300 bps.  
The factory default setting is $E0.  
Flow Control Commands  
Flow control refers to the techniques used by computer devices to stop and restart the flow of data to  
and from each other. Flow control is necessary so that a device does not receive more data than it  
can handle. In the case of the MultiModem, there is a need for flow control in both directions. As  
illustrated on the next page, flow control for data passing from your computer to the modem is called  
Modem-Initiated Flow Control and flow control for data passing from the modem to your computer is  
called Computer/Terminal-Initiated Pacing.  
The MultiModem supports both hardware and software Modem Initiated Flow Control. On the  
Computer/Terminal-Initiated Pacing side, it supports hardware and software flow control, and a  
special version used by Hewlett-Packard compatible systems called ENQ/ACK Pacing. The modem  
allows hardware and software pacing to be passed through the modem to the other end of the link so  
that your computer or terminal can control data start/stop activity through your modem.  
This is called Xon/Xoff Pass-Through. To state it simply, Flow Controlis something the modem  
does to the computer, while Pacingis something the computer does to the modem.  
Modem-Initiated Flow Control  
Data Flow  
Computer-Initiated Flow Control Pacing  
Data Flow  
Figure 4-1. Flow Control and Pacing  
Chapter 4 - Command Mode  
Hardware Flow Control &E4  
With Hardware Flow Control, the modem uses its RS-232C interface to control the flow of data from  
the computer or terminal to which it is attached. The CTS (Clear to Send) signal on Pin 5 of the RS-  
232C interface is brought low to stop the flow of data, and is brought high to restart it. When you  
select Hardware Flow Control as your Modem Initiated Flow Control method, you will also be  
selecting it for Pacing.  
The difference between the two, however, is that Modem-Initiated Flow Control uses the Pin 5 CTS  
output signal, while Pacing uses the Pin 4 RTS input signal.  
Modem commands are used to select the method of flow control used by the modem when its error  
correction capabilities are used. If neither method is selected, the modem defaults to no flow control  
Xon/Xoff Flow Control &E5  
Xon/Xoff is the most commonly used method of flow control. Under this method, control characters  
known as Xonand Xoffare inserted by the modem into the data to start and stop the flow of data  
from the computer or terminal to which the modem is attached. Xoff, which is a Control-S, stops the  
flow of data, and Xon, which is a Control-Q, restarts it. With regard to Binary Data, Xon/Xoff flow  
control is not recommended because an Xoff character may be part of the data and would trigger an  
Xoff of the modem or software package, which would halt data flow.  
Xon/Xoff Pass-Through &E7  
So far, you have had three choices to make regarding pacing:  
1. You can set the modem to respond to Xon/Xoff pacing.  
2. You can set the modem to respond to RTS pacing.  
3. You can set the modem to ignore pacing completely.  
Well, were not done with pacing yet. Theres another choice you can make (which actually can apply  
to both pacing and modem-initiated flow control, although it applies mainly to pacing) and that is  
something called Xon/Xoff Pass-Through.  
This means that if your modem is set to respond to Xon/Xoff commands, you can have the modem  
do one of the following:  
1. The modem responds to the Xon and Xoff pacing commands while at the same time allowing  
these commands to pass through the modem and on to the remote location. We call this  
Respond, Pass-Through.  
2. The modem responds to Xon/Xoff pacing, but does not allow the pacing signals to pass through  
the modem and on to the remote location. We call this Respond, No Pass-Through.  
When Xon and Xoff commands are allowed to pass through the modem, the computer or terminal at  
the remote site will receive these commands, and depending on how it is configured, the computer or  
terminal may respond to them also.  
When two MultiModems are connected in Normal mode (not using error correction), Xon/Xoff can be  
used to control the flow of data between the modems. Flow Control can be turned on or off with the  
Normal Mode Modem Flow Control commands. When the modems are connected in Reliable mode,  
a different method of modem Flow Control is used, and the commands for Normal Mode Modem  
Flow Control are ignored.  
When you are using Speed Conversion in Normal Mode, you must activate the modems Normal  
Mode Modem Flow Control.  
MultiModemBA User Guide  
Send Xon/Xoff Characters #X  
The #X phone interface command allows the modem to send either a single or multiple Xoff  
characters at the modem's buffer full level. When the modems buffer reaches it's "buffer full" level,  
the next character received causes another Xoff to be sent for every character subsequently received  
by the modem.  
The AT#X0 command (factory default setting) causes one Xoff to be sent until the buffer reaches the  
Xon level. The AT#X1 command causes an Xoff to be sent for every character received after the  
modem reaches its buffer full level.  
Hewlett-Packard ENQ/ACK Pacing &E9  
If the modem is being used with Hewlett Packard (or similar) equipment that employs ENQ/ACK  
pacing, the modem can be configured to respond to ENQ/ACK commands, making it compatible with  
HP systems. Doing so does not affect any other flow control or pacing already configured in the  
When configured for ENQ/ACK, the ENQ (Control-E) and ACK (Control-F) signals from the HP  
equipment will be accepted and responded to according to Hewlett-Packard protocol.  
Normal Mode Modem Flow Control On &E11  
When two MultiModems are connected in Normal mode (not using error correction), Xon/Xoff can be  
used to control the flow of data between the modems. Flow Control can be turned on or off with the  
Normal Mode Modem Flow Control commands. When the modems are connected in Reliable mode,  
a different method of modem flow control is used, and the commands for Normal Mode Modem Flow  
Control are ignored.  
When you are using Speed Conversion in Normal Mode, you must activate the modems Normal  
Mode Modem Flow Control.  
Terminal/Computer Initiated Pacing &E13  
As mentioned earlier, the modem can initiate flow control by issuing Xon/Xoff commands or toggling  
the CTS signal on the RS-232C interface. The modem can also be configured to react to similar  
commands and signals from the computer or terminal to which it is attached via the RS-232C  
interface. We refer to the computer or terminal initiated flow control as Pacing. When the modem is  
set for Pacing On, the modem will respond to the terminal or computer pacing. When the modem is  
set for Pacing Off, it will ignore pacing.  
In order for the modem to be set for Pacing On, a modem-initiated method of flow control must be  
previously selected. Once this is done, the modem will respond to either Xon/Xoff commands, or to  
the toggling of the RTS (Request to Send) signal on Pin 4 of the RS-232C interface, depending on  
what you selected earlier as your Modem-Initiated Flow Control method.  
Maximum Block Size &BS  
The maximum size of Reliable mode data blocks can be controlled with the &BS command. MNP 3  
sends blocks of 1 to 64 characters. MNP 4 and 5 typically send blocks of 1 to 256 characters and  
LAP-M typically send 128 characters. For MNP Classes 4 and 5/LAP-M, reducing the block size to  
64 characters may give a smoother flow of data, and better throughput on noisy phone lines. Using  
smaller block sizes over good phone lines may cause a slight loss in throughput (speed).  
AT&BS0 = Maximum transmit block size of 64 characters  
AT&BS1 = Maximum transmit block size of 128 characters (LAP-M) 256 characters (MNP)  
The factory default setting is &BS1.  
Chapter 4 - Command Mode  
Parity Selection #P  
The #P command enables the setting of parity. AT#P0 selects no parity. AT#P1 selects odd parity.  
AT#P2 selects even parity and is the default value. Note when setting up your data comm software, it  
is critical that both your remote and local system's parity selection be set identically.  
AT#P0 = no parity  
AT#P1 = odd parity  
AT#P2 = even parity  
The factory default setting is AT#P2.  
4.4.10 Compression, Error Correction, Flow Control, Pass-  
Through and Pacing Commands  
The modem has a variety of commands to control its error correction and data compression options.  
These additional commands are listed below. (Remember to precede each command with the AT  
Normal/Auto-Reliable/Reliable Mode Commands:  
&E0 = Normal Mode  
&E1 = Auto-Reliable Mode*  
&E2 = Reliable Mode  
Modem-Initiated Flow Control Commands:  
&E3 = Disables flow control (no flow control)  
&E4 = Hardware flow control (CTS on/off and RTS on/off)*  
&E5 = Xon/Xoff flow control  
Xon/Xoff Pass-Through Commands:  
&E6 = Modem responds to Xon/Xoff characters, but does not allow Xon/Xoff characters to pass  
through to remote site.*  
&E7 = Modem responds to Xon/Xoff characters, and allows them to pass through to remote site.  
#X0 = Selects single Xoff character until Xon level returns*  
#X1 = Selects multiple Xoff characters after buffer levels is full.  
Enq/Ack Pacing Commands:  
&E8 = Enq/Ack method of pacing off*  
&E9 = Enq/Ack method of pacing on  
Normal Mode Modem Flow Control Commands:  
&E10 = Normal Mode Modem Flow Control off*  
&E11 = Normal Mode Modem Flow Control (Xon/Xoff) on  
Computer-or Terminal-Initiated Flow Control (Pacing) Commands:  
&E12 = Pacing off*  
&E13 = Pacing on (either RTS on/off or Xon/Xoff depending on the setting of &E4 or &E5).*  
Data Compression Commands:  
&E14 = Data Compression disabled  
&E15 = Data Compression enabled*  
*Factory Default setting  
MultiModemBA User Guide  
4.4.11 Speed Conversion Commands  
Speed conversion is a necessary part of data compression since data must be presented to the  
modem faster than it can handle data, if data compression is to be effective.  
Speed conversion allows the modem to communicate at one speed over the phone line, and at  
another speed at the RS-232C interface. The speed (also referred to as data rateor baud rate)  
can be fixed at the RS-232 interface independently of the baud rate of the on-line transmissions.  
In addition to data compression, another popular application for speed conversion involves an auto-  
answer MultiModem connected to a computer that does not have autobaud capability. This means  
that the computer must be set at a fixed baud rate, regardless of the baud rate that the modem is  
communicating over the phone line at. In this application, speed conversion allows the modem to  
match its speed to that of the calling modem, while at the same time communicating with the  
attached computer through its RS-232C port at a fixed baud rate, which can be pre-selected at 300,  
1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19,200, 38,400, 57,600 bps or 115,200 bps.  
Speed Conversion $BA  
When using speed conversion, you must set the modem so that it does not adjust its speed at the  
RS-232C serial port, even if the modem does adjust its data rate. To turn Speed Conversion ON,  
enter the command AT$BA0 and hit RETURN.  
To turn Speed Conversion OFF, enter AT$BA1 and hit RETURN. The modem will now match its RS-  
232C speed to that of the computer, and will adjust its speed to any changes in the computers speed  
in Originate mode, or to the speed of the originating modem in Answer mode. The speed at which the  
modem communicates over the phone line will always be the same as the speed at which it  
communicates via its RS-232C serial port.  
Modem Baud Rate $MB  
The $MB command presets the modems transmission baud rate for originate operations, (i.e., the  
speed of the modems transmissions over the telephone lines when originating a call). With speed  
conversion, this transmission speed can be a different baud rate than the serial port speed.  
When the modem receives (answers) a call from another modem, it automatically switches its phone  
line transmission speed to match the calling modem. However, if the modem originates a call to  
another modem that is unable to connect at the same baud rate, it automatically drops to a lower  
baud rate in an attempt to match the speed of that modem. For example, if the modem is set for  
14,400 baud and calls another modem that has a top speed of 2400 baud, it drops to 2400 baud.  
The command to set the Modem Baud Rate is AT$MBn, where n can be:  
CCITT V.23  
300 bps  
1200 bps  
2400 bps  
4800 bps  
9600 bps  
14400 bps  
19200 bps  
28800 bps  
33600 bps  
The factory default is 33600 bps.  
Chapter 4 - Command Mode  
Serial Port Baud Rate $SB  
The $SB command presets the speed of the modems serial (RS-232C) port, in both Originate and  
Answer modes. Speed conversion allows you to set this serial port baud rate at a fixed speed of up to  
115,200 bps for 1932 and 2834 models, and 57600 bps for 1432 models, regardless of the modems  
transmission speed setting.  
In order for this command to be effective, the modems Speed Conversion feature must first be  
turned off with the $BA command. When Baud Adjust is on, the modem automatically adjusts its  
serial port baud rate to match the speed of the computer or terminal it is connected to, as soon as it  
receives its first AT command. However, in many applications, such as automatic answer, the  
modem may not receive AT commands, in which case it is very useful to be able to preset the serial  
port baud rate with this $SB command.  
In addition to setting the modems serial port speed, this command also sets the speed at which the  
modem issues Command mode responses.  
The modem will accept AT commands at any speed, regardless of the speed preset by the $SB  
command. If the modem receives such a command at a speed that is different than the preset speed,  
the modem switches its serial port baud rate to match the new AT command speed, although the  
baud rate value stored by the $SB command remains the same. This provides you with a convenient  
way to switch the serial port speed, and still make it easy to go back to the original speed  
automatically the next time the modem is powered up or reset with an ATZ command.  
The command to set the Serial Port Baud Rate is AT$SBn, where n can be:  
300 bps  
1200 bps  
2400 bps  
4800 bps  
9600 bps  
19,200 bps  
38,400 bps  
57,600 bps  
115,200 bps  
AT$SB115200 =  
The factory default is for 2834 is 57,600 bps.  
Note: Some serial ports, particularly those in older PC-compatible computers, may limit the  
performance of a higher speed modem like the MultiModem (see Chapter 3). The limiting factor is a  
circuit called a Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter, or UART. All data from your modem  
flows through it. 8250, 16450, and 16550 are UARTs typically used in PC-compatible computers. The  
8250 is unreliable above 9,600 bps and the 16450 is unreliable above 19,200 bps. The 16550 UART,  
however, is reliable to at least 115,200 bps. With V.42bis data compression enabled, the MT2834BA  
can achieve throughputs approaching 115.2K (depending on line quality and file content). If you  
presently do not have a 16550 UART in your PC, we recommend that it be replaced with a Multi-Tech  
high speed Intelligent Serial Interface (ISI) card. It comes in one, two and eight-port versions for  
DOS/Windows and UNIX systems, and includes a 32 K buffer that eliminates data loss even at high  
speeds. See your dealer for details.  
MultiModemBA User Guide  
4.4.12 Immediate Action Commands  
Help Screens $H  
The Help command is designed to give you short explanations on how to use each modem  
command. The Help command can be quite useful if your manual is not handy and you are in the  
middle of a communications session. Although the explanations are quite abbreviated compared to  
those in this manual, they should prove to be helpful reminders when needed.  
At the time of this writing, we have three screens of Help information (Screen #1, #2 and #3), and  
more screens may be added in the future. The Help commands are structured so that you can call up  
one of three Help screens, as follows:  
AT$H1 = Help Screen #1  
AT$H2 = Help Screen #2  
AT$H3 = Help Screen #3  
Inquiry for Product Code I  
Some systems or software packages automatically check the identificationof the modem with which  
they are communicating, by using the I command. This readcommand lets the software to  
determine the type of modem with which it is communicating.  
When ATI or ATI0 is entered, the modem responds with 247. When ATI1 is entered, the modem  
responds with a three-digit code indicating the firmware version number. When ATI2 is entered, the  
modem responds with MT2834BA, MT1432BA or MT932BA depending on model.  
Windows 95 Autodetect Inquiry I9  
This read command permits a Windows 95 operating system to query the MT2834BA's  
characteristics. When ATI9<CR> is entered the symbols BA 28800 FAX CT are displayed; which  
indicates to the Windows 95 system that your particular modem is a MT2834BA, 28,800 bps, fax  
Class 2 capable modem. With autodetect support in your MT2834BA, your PC can automatically  
allocate resources and configure it and other devices. The MT2834BA implements autodetect  
capability in the form of a single .INF (Information) file that specifies AT Command mode and Result  
Code "Registry Keys" that are specific to your MT2834BA.  
Listing Current Operating Parameters L5 L7  
The L5 and L7 commands list the current operating parameters of your modem. This information can  
be very useful when you are changing communications software or when you are changing modem  
default settings.  
The command to list the modems current operating parameters is ATL5 for the basic parameters.  
Entering ATL7 lists additional parameters on the modem.  
Listing S-Register Values L6  
Entering ATL6 lists the current values stored in the modems S-Register. This information can be  
very useful if you wish to change S-Register values.  
Listing On-Line Diagnostics L8  
The L8 command displays the current on-line CONNECT status of the modem. This display can be  
printed and used as a modem status report or as diagnostic information (such as when calling Tech  
Support). To activate this command first type +++AT<CR>(on-line escape command while  
maintaining command mode), then type ATL8. What then displays on your monitor is your modem's  
current on-line condition (e.g., Link Type, Line Speed, Serial Speed, Type of Error Correction/Data  
Compression, Number of past Retrains, etc.).  
Chapter 4 - Command Mode  
Off Hook H  
You can make the modem hang up (go On Hook). Entering ATH1<RETURN> brings the line Off  
Hook, just as if you picked up the telephone set. You can hang up by entering ATH0 or ATH (the  
default is 0 when no number is entered).  
Escape Sequences- Entering Command Mode While Still On-Line +++AT<CR>  
It is possible to cause the modem to enter Command mode after the modem has gone on-line with a  
remote modem, without disconnecting the call. This is done by entering an Escape Code. The default  
Escape Code used by the modem is three plus signs (+++) followed by the letters A and T, up to  
sixty command characters (most typically “H”, to hang up), and a RETURN. The number of  
command characters allowed after +++ AT<CR> , is defined by S-Register S34. S-Register S34  
defaults to ten command characters.  
When this is done, the modem escapes to Command Mode, executes the command (if any), and  
then remain in Command mode. For example, to hang up the modem at the end of a call, enter  
+++ATH and hit RETURN. There is no need to incorporate pauses before and after the plus signs,  
as done in earlier modems.  
The modem provides an alternative Escape method, using a Break signal as the Escape Code. The  
Break signal allows the start-stop DTE (data terminal equipment) to signal the modem without loss of  
character transparency. With this method, a BREAK signal is used instead of the three plus signs.  
The BREAK is followed by the letters A and T, up to 60 command characters, and RETURN. When  
this is done, the modem executes that command, but remains in On-Line mode unless the command  
was to hang up and/or reset the modem (an H or Z), in which case the modem would be in the  
Command Mode after executing that command.  
Escape Sequence Options - Entering Command Mode While On-Line %E  
As mentioned, the default escape sequence setting is for the modem to respond to the +++ escape  
method. Optional settings are for the modem to respond to the Break method, for the modem to  
respond to either the +++ or the Break Methods, for the modem to ignore both methods and not  
escape, for the modem to respond with no "OK" to +++, and for the modem to respond with "OK" to  
+++. The %E command is used to select these options, as follows:  
Modem Wont Escape  
+++ AT<CR> Method (default)  
Break Method  
Either +++ or Break Methods  
No "OK" Response to +++  
"OK" Response to +++  
* The %E4 and %E5 commands enable or disable an "OK" response, which is required by some  
software packages during an escape sequence.  
Force Answer Mode A  
You can force the modem into Answer mode with the modems A command.  
Entering ATA when in Command mode immediately brings your modem off-hook, out of Command  
mode and into On-Line Answer mode, and causes it to transmit its carrier signal over the phone line.  
If no responding carrier tone is received by your modem within forty-five seconds (or some other time  
as determined by S-Register S7), your modem stops transmitting its tone, hangs up, and goes back  
into Command mode.  
MultiModemBA User Guide  
Exiting Command Mode, Going Back On-Line O  
You can bring the modem out of Command mode and back into On-Line mode by entering ATO  
(where O is the letter O, not the number 0). In this case, the O command reverses what was done by  
entering the Escape Code. The O command will bring the modem into the same On-Line mode  
(Originate or Answer) that it was in prior to going into Command mode.  
4.4.13 Line Probe Commands  
Before V.34 negotiation takes place, remote and local modems transfer their functional capabilities  
using modulated calling and answering tones; indicating the common capabilities of the modem at  
each end.  
Once this is done, a probing signal is passed between the modems to identify impairments in the  
telephone channel (e.g., Receive Signal Strength vs. Frequency, Noise vs. Frequency and Signal to  
Noise Ratio vs. Frequency). After receiving the results of the probing signal, the modem receivers  
and transmitters begin with the lowest speed and move up until reaching the highest speed at which  
they can exchange data. All this occurs in about five seconds.  
There are a number of Line Probe Commands. These commands are configurable and can be stored  
to RAM (via AT&W0).  
These commands are listed below.  
Enable/Disable Reading of Line Probe Information Commands:  
%DP0 = Do not read Line Probe information from DSP during handshake (Default).  
%DP1 = Read Line Probe information from DSP during handshake.  
Format of Line Probe (Graph or Table) Commands:  
%DF0 = Data is displayed in Graph format. Y axis is shown in dBms (Default).  
%DF1 = Data is displayed in Table format. Numeric values are displayed for 150Hz to  
3750Hz in 75HZ increments.  
Immediate Action Line Probe Commands:  
To activate these commands first type +++AT<CR>(on-line escape command while maintaining  
command mode), then type the Command prefixed by an AT.  
&RP = This command initiates a retrain that makes the processor read Line Probe  
information. Valid only when on-line in V.34 mode.  
= Displays Signal Strength information.  
= Displays Signal to Noise Ratio information (SNR).  
= Displays noise information.  
Chapter 5 - S-Registers  
MultiModemBA User Guide  
5.1 Introduction  
Certain Command Mode configurations are stored in memory registers called, S-Registers. The S  
command is used to assign a value to, and to read the current value of an S-Register. To assign a  
value to an S-Register, enter the letter S, followed by the S-Register number and an equals sign (=),  
and then a decimal response to the message ENTER THE NEW VALUE IN DECIMAL FORMAT.  
To read an S-Register value, enter the letter S followed by the S-Register number and a question  
mark (?), then hit RETURN. To verify that the S-Register value was entered correctly, enter for  
example, ATS8? and hit RETURN. You should receive a response of the assigned value given to  
that S-Register.  
Number of Rings Until Modem Answers  
1 ring  
S0 defines the number of rings the modem waits before answering an incoming call.  
The default value is one ring (Decimal 1), which means that the modem answers the  
call immediately after the first ring. The maximum number of rings that can be  
configured is 255. Setting the value to zero (0) disables auto-answer completely.  
Rings Which Have Occurred  
1 ring  
S1 counts the number of rings that have occurred. It is a readtype of register and  
is seldom, if ever, used in typical operation. Each time an incoming ring signal is  
detected, S1 increases its value by one, up to a maximum of 255. If you set S1 to a  
value other than its default value of zero, or if the value is increasing with rings, this  
new value remains stored in S1 for eight seconds after the last ring is counted, after  
which time the value reverts to zero.  
Escape Code Character  
ASCII Character  
43 (+)  
S2 defines the escape code character. The default character is the plus (+) sign  
(Decimal 43), but may be set for any ASCII character. Setting an S2 value greater  
than 127 results in no escape character, and therefore no means of entering  
Command mode from On-line mode without breaking the on-line connection.  
Return Character  
ASCII Character  
13 (^M)  
S3 defines the character recognized as Carriage Return (RETURN) or Enter. S3  
may be set for any ASCII character.  
Chapter 5 - S-Registers  
Line Feed Character  
ASCII Character  
10 (^J)  
S4 defines the character recognized as Line Feed. S3 may be set for any ASCII  
Backspace Character  
ASCII Character  
8 (^H)  
S5 defines the character recognized as BACKSPACE. S5 may be set for any ASCII  
Wait Time for Dial Tone  
1 second  
2-255, 4-255**  
2, 4**  
S6 sets the time the modem waits after the RETURN key is pressed before  
executing a dial command. The default setting is two seconds (Decimal 2).  
Time for Carrier (Abort Timer)  
1 second  
1-255, 1-45*  
S7 defines the Abort Timer (lack of carrier) delay time. The default value is 45  
seconds (Decimal 45). This means that, after dialing, the modem waits for a carrier  
signal for up to 45 seconds and, if none is detected, aborts the call. The maximum  
S7 value is 255.  
Pause Time for Comma  
1 second  
0-255, 4-255**  
2, 4**  
S8 sets the length of the pause caused by a comma inserted in a dialing command.  
The default setting is two seconds, (or two units Decimal 2) or four seconds, where  
each unit is one second. S8 may be set for up to 255 seconds.  
S8 also sets the time the modem waits before retrying a call after detecting a busy  
signal. Some computer systems need more than two seconds to reset (in which case  
you should increase the value of S8).  
* Value for International and DOC units  
** Value for International units only  
MultiModemBA User Guide  
Carrier Detect Response Time  
100 mSec.  
S9 sets the time delay between when the modem first detects a valid incoming  
carrier signal and when the modem turns on its Carrier Detect circuit. The default  
setting is 600 milliseconds, or six units of 100 mSec each (Decimal 6). S9 may be set  
for up to 25.5 seconds.  
Carrier Loss Disconnect Delay Time  
100 mSec.  
S10 sets the time a carrier signal must be lost before the modem disconnects. The  
default setting is 700 mSec, or seven units (Decimal 7) of 100 mSec. Maximum delay  
is 25.4 seconds (Decimal 254). Setting the S10 value to 255 causes the modem to  
not disconnect with loss of carrier. (This S-Register applies at speeds of 2400 bps  
and less.)  
Tone Dialing: Tone Spacing and Duration  
1 mSec.  
1-255, 80-255*  
70, 80*  
S11 sets the speed of tone dialing (spacing and tone duration times). The default  
value is 70 units (Decimal 7) or 80 units, where each unit is one mSec, meaning that  
each tone is on for 70 mSec with a 70 mSec pause between each.  
The minimum S11 value allowed by most telephone systems is 50 mSec (50 units).  
Very few telephone systems can handle anything faster than that. The maximum S11  
value is 255 mSec (255 units).  
Remote Configuration Escape Character  
ASCII Character  
37 (%)  
S13 defines the remote configuration escape character (which becomes your  
modems remote configuration character). The default is three percent symbols  
(%%%). When the S13 character is entered three consecutive times from a remotely  
connected site, your modem responds with its Remote Configuration procedure.  
* Value for International and DOC units  
** Value for International units only  
Chapter 5 - S-Registers  
Callback Time Delay  
S15 defines the time delay between Callback attempts after initial passwords have  
been exchanged between modems.  
Callback Attempts  
1 Attempt  
S16 defines the number of attempts allowed after initial passwords have been  
exchanged between modems.  
Changing Break Time  
10 mSec.  
0-2.5 sec  
S17 defines the break time (space) sent to the local PC. The default is set for a 25 to  
250 mSec break. The break time can be changed in 10 mSec increments by  
increasing or decreasing the value of S17.  
PBX/CBX Disconnect Drop Time for DSR/CTS/CD  
50 mSec.  
Some PBX and CBX phone systems require the modems DSR, CTS, and/or CD  
signal(s) to behave in a certain manner when calls are disconnected. The modems  
&R, &S, and &C commands cause the modem to drop these signal(s) for a specified  
time period upon disconnect, and then bring the signal(s) up again. S24 defines the  
length of time that the signals drop. The default setting of 20 results in a one second  
drop time, which is what most PBX/CBX systems with this requirement need.  
DTR Dropout Time  
100 mSec.  
0, 1 through 255  
S25 defines the amount of time that DTR must be dropped before the modem  
disconnects. Typically, a disconnect occurs when DTR is dropped for 50  
milliseconds or more. This dropout time can be increased, up to a maximum of 25.5  
seconds. The S25 unit value for zero is the default value of 50 mSec. For values  
from 1 through 255, the unit value is 100 mSec.  
MultiModemBA User Guide  
Failed Password Attempts  
1 failed attempt  
S26 counts the number of times there has been a failed password attempt. For  
example, if you entered ATS26? the message 003 would be displayed, meaning  
someone has failed three times to gain access to your modem using its password  
security system.  
Local Inactivity Timer  
S29 defines the amount of idle time that can elapse between AT commands after the  
SETUP password has been entered. If this timer expires, the LOGIN and SETUP  
passwords will have to be re-entered. S29 only takes effect when the modem has  
been sent a #DB1 command, which secures the modem from local and remote  
configuration or dialing (i.e., no AT commands can be sent until the LOGIN and  
SETUP passwords have been entered).  
Inactivity Timer  
1 min.  
S30 causes the modem to disconnect if no data is transmitted or received for a  
specified time. This timer runs during both Reliable and Normal error correction  
connections. The timer restarts any time a data character is passed through the  
serial port (either sent or received). If noise on the phone line causes an error to be  
received during Normal mode, this also restarts the timer. The default value is off (0).  
The inactivity timer is disabled by setting S30 to 0, which is the factory default  
Time Elapse for Escape Sequence  
1 second  
S32 sets the time period to validate the escape sequence. If the time interval expires  
before the escape sequence is employed (by hitting RETURN), the escape  
sequence is aborted. The default is 20 units.  
Buffer Length of Command Mode...After On-line Escape Sequence  
ASCII Character  
If the number of characters after AT exceeds the S34 buffer length value, the buffer  
is cleared and the escape sequence is aborted.  
Chapter 5 - S-Registers  
Time Between DTR Inactive and Modem Off-Hook  
1 Second  
0-255 seconds  
The DTR Busy-out feature uses S-Register S36 to set the time between DTR  
inactive (low) and the modem going off-hook. S36 can be set in one-second intervals  
from 0 to 255 seconds. With the default setting of S36=0, DTR Busy-Out is disabled  
(i.e., DTR won't Busy-Out).  
Time Between DTR Active and Modem On-Hook  
1 Second  
0-255 seconds  
S37 sets the time between DTR being active and the modem going on-hook (not  
busy). S37 will only function in conjunction with S36.  
Program V.34bis Connect Speeds (2834 Series only)  
33, 31, 28, 26, 24, 21,19,16,14,12, 96 and 48  
Defines which speed modem connects within the scope of Enhanced V.34 mode  
(e.g., S48 = 26 means maximum connect speed is 26.4K). This register  
compensates for line conditions that have trouble supporting higher Enhanced V.34  
speeds (e.g., 33.6K, 31.2K, 28.8K, 26.4K, 24K...). The modem default is a value of 0,  
which indicates a connection attempt of 33.6K.  
5.2 Reading and Assigning S-Register Values  
The S command is used to assign a value to, and to read the current value of, an S-Register. To read  
an S-Register value, enter the letter S followed by the S-register number and a question mark (?),  
then hit RETURN. For example, entering ATS7? and hitting RETURN displays the value of S-  
Register S7 in a 3-digit decimal form. The number 8 would appear as 008, the number 30 would  
appear as 030, and the number 255 would appear as 255.  
To assign a value to an S-Register, enter the letter S followed by the S-Register number and an  
equals sign (=), and then a decimal response to the message ENTER THE NEW VALUE IN  
DECIMAL FORMAT. Convert all ASCII characters to their decimal equivalents before entering them.  
S-Register decimal values range from 0-127 for ASCII characters, or 0-255 for numeric values.  
MultiModemBA User Guide  
Examples of Assigning Values  
1. Lets say you wish to have longer pauses caused by the comma in a dial command; five seconds  
instead of two. Entering ATS8=5 assigns 5 as the value for S-Register S8 (meaning the modem  
pauses five seconds for a comma in a dial command).  
2. In a second example, lets say that you wish to configure the modem to answer incoming calls  
after the 30th ring instead of after the first ring. To configure S-Register S0 with a value of 30,  
enter ATS0=30 and hit RETURN.  
3. In a third example, lets say you are calling long distance to another country code, and it is taking  
a long time to connect. The S-Register S7 (Abort Timer) setting of 45 seconds, is insufficient.  
The abort timer times out and cancels the call before a connection is made. To change the S7  
value to 55 seconds, enter Command mode, then enter ATS7=55 and hit RETURN. Now, after  
dialing, the modem allows 10 more seconds for a carrier signal before aborting the call. The  
additional 10 seconds should provide enough time for international calls.  
Examples of Reading Values  
To verify that you entered the value correctly in the above examples, enter ATS8? and hit RETURN  
in the first example, ATS0? in the second, and ATS2? in the third example. You should receive the  
response 005 in the first example, 030 in the second example, and 055 in the third example.  
When configuring the S-Registers, it is a good practice to include the verification read-entry in the  
same command line as the configuration assignment-entry. In the three preceding examples, enter  
ATS8=5S8?, ATS0=30S3?, and ATS7=55S7?.  
5.3 AT Command and S-Register Summary  
The vast majority of installations are similar, with the modem being used to dial up a remote  
installation where the call is automatically answered. Your modem has a default configuration to dial  
another modem that supports error correction, data compression and flow control. If the answering  
modem is not compatible, the MultiModem can match protocols, provided the protocols are industry  
standard (i.e., ITU or Bell) and not proprietary.  
The &W command, used in conjunction with specific other AT commands and S-Registers, can re-  
configure the modem to conform to a specific application. The command AT&W0 (or AT&W) causes  
the modem to store its current parameters in its nonvolatile RAM. The command also sets the  
modem upon power up, or when it is reset with an ATZ command, the modem reads all of its  
configuration and S-Register parameters from RAM, and not from the factory settings in ROM (note  
you may recall factory installed defaults by entering AT&F8&W0). The &W command changes the  
configuration parameters stored in RAM that you specifically intend to alter. All other default  
parameters remain unchanged.  
The AT&W1 command sets the modem so that it does not store its parameters in RAM, and on  
power up or when an ATZ command is issued, parameters are read from the factory default settings  
in ROM.  
Before using the &W command, you may want to view the modem's current operating parameters.  
Use the ATL5, ATL6 and ATL7 commands to display the current modem configuration.  
Chapter 6 - Callback Security and  
Remote Configuration  
MultiModemBA User Guide  
6.1 Introduction  
This chapter describes how the MultiModems Callback and Remote Configuration features operate.  
These features use a multilevel security system, which involves the use of LOGIN Passwords, Setup  
Passwords and Remote Escape Characters.  
The primary level security code is the modems LOGIN Password. Once this password is entered,  
other passwords can be used. For instance, entering the LOGIN Password will allow you to enter the  
Setup Password, which, in turn, allows you to enter Callback Passwords and dial back phone  
numbers. Callback Passwords tell your modem what dial back phone number to call.  
The Remote Escape Character is the key to using the Remote Configuration feature. The Remote  
Escape Character lets you enter Command mode via a remote call, so that you can enter AT  
commands just as if you were locally connected. You must also enter your modems Setup  
Password. The Remote Escape Character is contained in S-Register S13.  
6.2 Callback Feature Description  
The Callback feature protects your network from unauthorized access and helps control long  
distance costs. By use of Callback Passwords and dial back phone numbers, you can have your  
modem "dial back" remote locations immediately after being called. A special command (Enable  
Callback #DB) turns your modem into a Callback security modem. The Callback Password/Phone  
number entry is protected by two-level security (your modem's LOGIN Password and Set-Up  
Password) that keeps unauthorized personnel from changing parameters. When you first get your  
modem, you need to change both security level codes to your unique settings.  
The Callback Passwords and dial back phone numbers are in a special Callback Password/dial back  
phone number memory (30 numbers long). You use the modem's LOGIN Password and the Set-Up  
Password plus special Callback commands to access this memory. The memory is thirty numbers  
long and replaces your modem's normal phone number memory.  
Each number is 35 characters long and can contain commands as well as phone numbers. You need  
to set up your modem with the numbers and codes as part of the dial back initialization procedures.  
Your modem will also remember if the incoming call was reliable or not, and make the call back  
6.3 Remote Configuration Description  
The Remote Configuration feature is a network management tool that allows you to configure  
modems remotely. This means you could configure modems anywhere in your network from one  
location without having to visit the sites or rely on remote users to follow your instructions. With  
Remote Configuration, which is protected by two level security, you can download new parameters,  
program new V.42 capabilities and implement new features. Remote Configuration also makes  
troubleshooting a remote location a lot easier.  
The way Remote Configuration works is that S-Register S13 has been set up to contain the special  
Remote Configuration escape code. When calling a Remote Configuration equipped modem, you  
enter the proper Remote Escape code to enable entering your Set up Password. After entering it, you  
can then execute AT commands as if you were connected locally. If you set S-Register S13 to zero,  
Remote Configuration is disabled.  
Initial Setup Procedures for Callback and Remote  
Your modem was shipped with a default LOGIN Password and Setup Password (LOGIN=MULTI-  
TECH and Set-up=MODEMSETUP) so that you have access to the features used for configuring the  
modem. Because the defaults are in the modem owners manual, and anyone can find out what they  
are, you should change the codes as the first step of your initialization procedure.  
Chapter 6 - Callback Security and Remote Configuration  
Table 6-1. Modem LOGIN, Setup and Remote Escape Code Procedures  
To change your modem’s LOGIN Password and Setup Password:  
Step Procedure  
Note: Passwords are upper/lower case sensitive. The case you enter here is the case that must be  
used at Log-In.  
1. Type AT#IMULTI-TECH and hit RETURN. Your modem will respond with:  
OK (if the LOGIN Password is wrong, the modems response is ERROR)  
2. Type AT#SMODEMSETUP and hit RETURN. Your modem will respond with the following:  
OK (or ERROR if wrong Setup Password)  
Note: At this point you can change the LOGIN Password and Setup Password.  
3. Type AT#I=xxxxxxxxxx (with any keyboard characters used, minimum 6 maximum 10) and hit  
RETURN. Your modem responds with:  
4. Type AT#S=yyyyyyyyyy (with keyboard characters used, minimum 6 maximum 10) and hit  
RETURN. Your modem responds with:  
To change your Remote Configuration feature status:  
5. If you want Remote Configuration off, set S-Register S13 to 0 (zero). Refer to Chapter 6 for  
details on how to set S-Register values.  
6. If you want Remote Configuration on and wish to change the Remote Escape Character, change  
the S-Register S13 value. If you leave it at the default value, decimal 37 (% sign) will be your  
modems remote escape character.  
To turn your modem's Callback Security feature on and off:  
7. If you want Callback Security with both remote and local password security, enter AT#DB1 and  
hit RETURN. You must turn on Callback Security to be able to enter dial back phone numbers.  
8. If you want Callback Security on with just remote password security, enter AT#DB2 and hit  
RETURN. You must turn on Callback Security to be able to enter dial back phone numbers. If  
you want to use your modem to call another modem that is also set for Callback, you must enter  
AT#DB3 before you dial.  
Note: this is for your modem if you are set for #DB1 or #DB2.  
Once you have disconnected from that call, your modem will go back to its original setting.  
9. If you want Callback Security turned off, type AT#DB0 and hit RETURN.  
To set parity of the password/message prompt:  
10. The parity default value for your modem is no parity (AT#P0). If your modem's prompt messages  
use even parity, enter AT#P2 and hit RETURN. For odd parity, enter AT#P1 and hit RETURN.  
11. Enter the &W0 command and hit RETURN to store parameters and S-Register values in RAM.  
MultiModemBA User Guide  
Table 6-2. Callback Password and Dial Back Phone Number Entry Procedures  
Step Procedure  
1. Enter your modem's LOGIN Password (as selected in Table 6-1) by entering the following:  
AT#Ixxxxxxxxxx<CR> (xxxxxxxxxx from Table 6-1)  
Enter your modem's Setup Password (as selected in Table 6-1) by entering the following:  
AT#Syyyyyyyyyy<CR>(yyyyyyyyyy from Table 6-1)  
2. Enable the Callback Security feature by entering the following:  
AT#DB2<CR> or AT#DB1<CR>  
The following message is displayed on your monitor:  
Entering Callback Mode, current phone numbers will be erased. Do you want to continue? (Y/N)  
3. Enter a Y or N and hit RETURN.  
Note: If this is your first time into Callback Mode, we recommend answering Y to clear all  
previous Callback Passwords and phone numbers from memory.  
4. Enter individual Callback Passwords for each of 30 different phone number memory locations as  
To enter Callback Password for the first location (a minimum 6 characters, up to a maximum of  
10 characters must be used).  
To enter Callback Password for the second location...etc (a minimum 6 characters, up to a  
maximum of 10 characters must be used).  
Note: The first character of your first Callback Password must be non-numeric.  
5. Enter individual phone numbers for each of the 30 memory locations as follows:  
AT+ - DP...????N0 <CR> (number for location N0)  
AT+ - DT...????N1 <CR> (number for location N1)...etc  
Note: You must indicate within the command string that the modem either Pulse dial (ATDP...) or  
Tone dial ATDT...).  
The maximum length of the number is 35 characters. The number may include commands as  
well as your number, so as to create macro-type command numbers.  
The + and/or - characters entered before the phone number are optional. The + (Deposit  
Number) code allows a caller to enter the number he or she wishes the Callback modem to call  
back when the caller uses a particular password (Step 3 of Table 6-3). The - character enables  
direct entry when the caller uses that correct password (Step 3 of Table 6-3) without the Callback  
modem having to return the call.  
The ??? entry at the end of the phone number is optional and indicates a subcode number to the  
main phone number for that location. The ??? used to dial different extensions at the same basic  
number. To use this optional feature, enter the number of ? marks where indicated equal to the  
number of digits in the desired extension number, (i.e., with a 4 digit extension enter ????). When  
a caller uses that particular password (Step 3 of Table 6-3), he or she then enters an extension  
number directly after the password, with the same number of digits as the number of ? marks  
originally entered. When calling back that particular number, your modem will also dial the  
indicated extension number.  
Note: To view Callback Passwords/Numbers, use the L Command.  
6. To store changed parameters to memory, enter AT&W0 and hit RETURN.  
Note: If you have enabled Callback Security (#DB1 in step 2 of Table 6-2), the modem will be  
secured locally. To gain local access, you must again perform steps 7 and 8.  
Chapter 6 - Callback Security and Remote Configuration  
7. Enter your modem's LOGIN Password (as selected in Table 6-1) by entering:  
AT#Ixxxxxxxxxx<CR> (xxxxxxxxxx from Table 6-1)  
8. Enter your modem's Setup Password (as selected in Table 6-1) by entering:  
AT#Syyyyyyyyyy<CR> (yyyyyyyyyy from Table 6-1)  
Table 6-3. Callback Operational Sequence Procedures  
Perform the following steps when dialing into a dialback modem:  
1. When called, the modem answers and after a slight delay, responds with:  
2. Enter your modem's LOGIN Password (Table 6-1) and hit RETURN. If entered correctly, the  
modem responds with:  
3. Enter the Callback Password corresponding to the phone number you wish called back and hit  
RETURN (Callback Passwords and phone numbers entered in Table 6-2). You can also use  
special characters + and -. They must have been entered as part of the Callback phone numbers  
in Step 5 of Table 6-2. If you use the - character along with your password, the Callback modem  
will connect directly without hanging-up and calling back. If you use the + character along with  
your password, you can also enter a phone number which you wish the Callback modem to dial  
after hanging-up. The + and - characters must be entered after the Dial-back password, (i.e.,  
DB>xxxxxx+). This is also the point where you enter an extension number if your Callback  
number used the ??? feature (Step 5 in Table 6-2).  
You have three tries at each prompt to enter the information properly, with an incorrect entry  
resulting in a password retry. You must enter the requested information correctly within one  
minute or the Callback modem will hang-up. When the information is entered properly, the called  
modem will hang-up and after a 15 second delay, call you back. When your modem answers, the  
dialback modem will respond with the following:  
4. Enter the modem's LOGIN Password again (the same as in Step 1). The Callback modem  
responds with:  
You are now in Data Mode.  
Remote Configuration Procedures  
The procedures for using the Remote Configuration features are the same whether or not a call  
originates from the remote modem. Once the modem is on-line, perform the procedures in Table 6-4.  
Table 6-4 Remote Configuration Operation Procedures  
1. Remote Escape Configuration requires %%%AT<CR> to be sent if the default value in S-  
Register S13 has not been changed.  
The modem responds with:  
1. - DATA Mode  
2. - COMMAND Mode  
MultiModemBA User Guide  
2. You then select 1 or 2. With 1, the modem goes back into data mode and with 2, the modem  
responds with the following:  
3. Enter your Setup Password, and if the code is correct the modem responds with:  
You can now use any AT commands of the modem being remotely configured as if they were  
being entered locally. You cannot change the setup of the LOGIN Password until you enter the  
proper LOGIN Password.  
4. When you are done entering AT commands and you want to exit, type AT0 and hit RETURN.  
The modem responds with:  
1. DATA Mode  
2. COMMAND Mode  
5. Enter a 1 to go back on-line with your computer, or enter 2 and the correct password to talk to  
your modem.  
6.4 Remote Configuration and Callback Security AT Commands  
When you have callback security enabled for the modem, anyone trying to connect with the modem  
will be required to furnish a password. The #CBN command allows you to enter passwords for each  
of the 30 memory locations used for callback security. The length of each password can be up to 10  
characters, but must be at least 6 characters. Any ASCII character can be used.  
The format for this command is AT#CBNyyxxxxxxxx<CR> with xxxxxxxx representing the  
password and yy being the memory location (0-29). Each callback password (xxxxxxxx) must start  
with a non-numeric character.  
Callback Security Enable/Disable  
The purpose of this command is to enable or disable (default setting) your modem's callback security  
option. Once this command is executed, you modem will undergo some significant changes. For  
example, the phone number memory locations (N0 through N9) will be used for passwords and  
phone numbers. In other words, you will not be able to dial from memory or use the DTR dialing  
You can turn on callback security by typing AT#DB1 or AT#DB2 and pressing <CR>. If you want to  
engage both remote and local password security, use the #DB1 command. This sets up the modem  
so you have to provide passwords to dial into the modem and to dial out. For remote password  
security only, use the #DB2 command. This allows the local operator to dial out without providing the  
LOGIN and SETUP passwords. Use #DB3 when calling another modem with callback security active.  
Change LOGIN Password  
The default LOGIN password for your modem is "MULTI-TECH". If you choose to activate callback  
security, you should change the LOGIN password using this command in the following format:  
AT#Ixxxxxxxxxx<CR> (where xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx is the current LOGIN password). Your modem will  
respond with "OK", indicating that you can enter the new LOGIN password as follows:  
You can select any combination of keyboard characters (upper/lower case sensitive) between six  
and ten characters long.  
Chapter 6 - Callback Security and Remote Configuration  
Change SETUP Password  
The default SETUP password for your modem is "SMODEMSETUP". If you choose to activate  
callback security, you should change the SETUP password using this command in the following  
AT#Stttttttttt<CR> (where tttttttttt is the current SETUP password). Your modem will respond with  
"OK", indicating that you can enter the new SETUP password as follows:  
You can select any combination of keyboard characters (upper/lower case sensitive) between six  
and ten characters long.  
Erase Callback Password  
This command erases the single callback password specified by xx (0 through 29).  
Erase Callback Phone Number #RDNxx  
This command erases the single phone number specified by xx (0 through 29).  
6.5 Remote Configuration/Callback Security S-Registers  
The following S-Registers are used with Remote Configuration and Callback Security features.  
Remote Configuration Character (S13)  
S13 defines the modems remote configuration escape character. When the S13 character is entered  
three consecutive times from a remotely connected site, your modem responds to it with its Remote  
Configuration procedure.  
37 (% sign)  
Callback Time Delay (S15)  
S15 defines the time delay for Callback attempts after initial passwords have been exchanged  
between modems.  
Callback Attempts (S16)  
S16 defines the number of Callback attempts after initial passwords have been exchanged between  
1 Attempt  
Failed Password Attempts (S26)  
S26 counts the number of times there has been a failed password attempt. For example, if you  
entered ATS26? the message 003 would be displayed, meaning someone has failed three times to  
gain access to your modem using its password security system.  
1 failed attempt  
MultiModemBA User Guide  
Local Inactivity Timer (S29)  
S29 defines the amount of idle time that can elapse between AT commands after the SETUP  
password has been entered. If this timer expires, the LOGIN and SETUP passwords will have to be  
S29 only takes effect when the modem has been sent a #DB1 command, which secures the modem  
from local and remote configuration or dialing (i.e., no AT commands can be sent until the LOGIN  
and SETUP passwords have been entered).  
Chapter 7 - DIP-Switch Settings  
MultiModemBA User Guide  
7.1 Introduction  
There are several DIP-Switch options on the modems printed circuit (PC) board. The DIP-Switches  
are accessible through a cut-out on the side of the modem. This chapter explains the modems  
printed-circuit board options. Sixteen DIP-Switch settings and the modem's speaker volume control  
are explained in detail, including all default settings.  
Power Switch  
Power Jack  
Line Jack  
Phone Jack  
10 11 12  
13 14 15 16  
16-position DIP-switch  
Figure 7-1. PC Board  
7.2 DIP-Switch Option Settings  
Switch #1  
Forced DTR -- "DTR"  
(Asynchronous/Synchronous Mode/Leased Line/Dial-Up)  
The modem must have a high DTR signal in order to operate. DTR is provided to the modem by the  
terminal or computer to which it is attached, through pin 20 of the RS-232C/V.24 interface. If your  
terminal or computer is not providing DTR to the modem, you can force the DTR signal high with DIP-  
Switch #1.  
DTR function normally =  
DTR forced On  
Factory Default Setting =  
Switch #1 UP  
Switch #1 DOWN  
Switch #2  
Flow Control - &E4/&E5  
(Asynchronous Mode/Leased Line/Dial-Up)  
With Hardware Flow Control, the modem uses its RS-232C/V.24 interface to control the flow of data  
from the computer or terminal to which it is attached. The CTS signal on Pin 5 of the RS-232C/V.24  
is brought low to stop the flow of data, and is brought high to restart it. Place DIP-Switch #2 in the UP  
position to enable Hardware Flow Control (&E4). Xon/Xoff Flow Control (&E5) is another flow control  
method. Xon/Xoff characters in the data dictate the start and stop of data flow from the computer or  
terminal. Place DIP-Switch #2 in the DOWN position to select Xon/Xoff Flow Control.  
Hardware Flow Control (&E4)  
Xon/Xoff Flow Control (&E5)  
Factory Default Setting  
Switch #2 UP  
Switch #2 DOWN  
Chapter 7 - DIP-Switch Settings  
Switch #2  
SDLC/BSC Option  
(Synchronous Mode/Leased Line/Dial-Up)  
Synchronous Data Link Control (SDLC) and Binary Synchronous Control (BSC) are two error  
correction protocols used in the IBM Mainframe environment. Place DIP-Switch #2 in the UP position  
to enable SDLC mode, and place DIP-Switch #2 in the DOWN position to enable BSC mode.  
SDLC Mode  
BSC Mode  
Factory Default Setting =  
Switch #2 UP  
Switch #2 DOWN  
Switch #3  
Enable/Suppress Responses -- "Q"  
(Asynchronous Mode/Dial-Up)  
In some Asynchronous mode applications, you may want to suppress all responses from the modem.  
Place DIP-Switch #3 in the DOWN position to enable Result Code responses (Q0). Place DIP-Switch  
#3 in the UP position, and answer mode is handled without responses and echo turned off (Q2), but  
originate is still intelligent.  
Enable Responses: Originate/Answer (Q0)  
Suppress Responses: Answer (Q2)  
Factory Default Setting  
Switch #3 DOWN  
Switch #3 UP  
Switch #3  
dB Transmission Levels  
(Asynchronous/Synchronous Mode/Leased Line)  
DIP-Switch #3 adjusts dB transmission levels required by some phone carriers. Place DIP-Switch #3  
in the DOWN position to enable -9 dB transmission. Place DIP-Switch #3 in the UP position to enable  
-15 dB transmission.  
-9dB Transmission  
-15dB Transmission  
Factory Default Setting =  
Switch #3 DOWN  
Switch #3 UP  
Switch #4  
AS/400 Mode  
(Synchronous Mode/Leased Line/Dial-UP)  
The modem can function in the IBM AS/400 environment (appearing like an IBM5853 modem). First,  
DIP-Switch #7 must be placed in the UP position. This establishes an RTS/CTS condition (state  
typical for an IBM5853 modem in half-duplex mode). Next, place DIP-Switch #4 in the DOWN  
position. This "spoofs" the modem into operating like an IBM5853 modem in AS/400 applications.  
DIP-Switch #4 in the UP position disables this function. Note that the modem must be in Command  
mode to allow AS/400 mode (DIP-Switch #8 DOWN); and in Synchronous mode (DIP-Switch #12  
AS/400 Mode Enabled =  
AS/400 Mode Disabled =  
Factory Default Setting =  
Switch #4 DOWN  
Switch #4 UP  
MultiModemBA User Guide  
Switch #4  
Unix UUCP Spoofing  
(Asynchronous Mode/Leased Line/Dial-Up)  
The modem can be configured for use with Unix equipment which employs ACK flow control to  
monitor data integrity. The modem can do "UUCP spoofing", where the modem is able to generate  
ACKs at the DTE interface. Data then is transmitted more time-efficiently, because the delay of  
waiting for data to be received then waiting for the ACK to be returned at the remote end, is  
eliminated. Placing DIP-Switch #4 in the DOWN position enables UUCP spoofing.  
UUCP Spoofing Enabled  
UUCP Spoofing Disabled  
Factory Default Setting  
Switch #4 DOWN  
Switch #4 UP  
Switch #5  
Enable/Disable Auto-Answer - "Ans"  
(Asynchronous Mode/Synchronous Mode/Dial-Up)  
In some originate-only applications, you may wish to disable the modems automatic answering  
capabilities. This may be true if you have a telephone set attached to a modem and wish to receive  
voice calls that you yourself would answer instead of the modem. Place DIP-Switch #5 in the UP  
position to enable Auto-Answer. Place DIP-Switch #5 in the DOWN position to disable Auto-Answer.  
Auto-Answer Enabled  
Auto-Answer Disabled  
(Factory Default Setting  
Switch #5 UP  
Switch #5 DOWN  
Switch #5  
Originate/Answer Mode  
(Asynchronous/Synchronous Mode/Leased Line)  
The modem functions in either Originate mode or Answer mode. Place DIP-Switch #5 in the DOWN  
position to enable Originate mode. Place DIP-Switch #5 in the UP position to enable Answer mode.  
Originate Mode Enabled  
Answer Mode Enabled  
(Factory Default Setting  
Switch #5 DOWN  
Switch #5 UP  
Switch #6  
Maximum Throughput Setting  
(Asynchronous Mode/Leased Line/Dial-Up)  
Some applications require you to dial into services with maximum throughput on, and other  
applications where maximum throughput must be off (i.e., service not supporting error correction, or  
the V.42 handshake interferes with logon sequence). DIP-Switch #6 is used for switching between  
these two modes. This DIP-Switch controls three important parameters (error correction, speed  
conversion and serial port speed), which in effect enables or disables maximum throughput.  
Maximum Throughput Enabled =  
Maximum Throughput Disabled =  
Switch #6 UP  
Switch #6 DOWN  
Factory Default Setting  
Chapter 7 - DIP-Switch Settings  
Switch #6  
Slave Clocking  
(Synchronous Mode/Leased Line/Dial-Up)  
In Synchronous mode, DIP-Switch #6 controls the option of having timing controlled by the receive  
clock. The originate modem, in effect, adjusts to the answer (remote) modem. Place DIP-Switch #6 in  
the DOWN position to enable Slave Clocking. Place DIP-Switch #6 in the UP position to disable  
Slave Clocking.  
Slave Clocking Enabled  
Slave Clocking Disabled  
Factory Default Setting  
Switch #6 DOWN  
Switch #6 UP  
Switch #7  
Request To Send Forced - "RTS"  
(Asynchronous/Synchronous Mode/Leased Line/Dial-Up)  
If your computer or terminal uses RTS-CTS protocol (typically used in some synchronous  
applications, but also if using hardware pacing for V.42 error correction or speed conversion), you  
may want to set RTS to function independently of CTS (DIP-Switch #7 UP). For most applications,  
especially asynchronous, this switch should be set so that RTS is forced On (DIP-Switch #7 DOWN)  
RTS functions Normally  
RTS forced On  
Factory Default Setting  
Switch #7 UP  
Switch #7 DOWN  
Switch #8  
Enable/Disable Command Mode -- "Com"  
(Asynchronous/Synchronous Mode/Leased/Dial-Up)  
In some applications you may want to disable the modem's Command mode so that the modem does  
not recognize or react to AT or V.25bis commands. This may be true in strictly auto-answer  
applications where no call origination is required. Place DIP-Switch #8 in the DOWN position to  
enable Command mode. Place DIP-Switch #8 in the UP position to disable Command mode. The  
factory default setting is Command mode enabled.  
Disable Command Mode  
Enable Command Mode  
Factory Default Setting  
Switch #8 UP  
Switch #8 DOWN  
Switch #9  
Digital Loopback Test  
(Asynchronous/Synchronous Mode/Leased Line/Dial-Up)  
When in Synchronous mode, this switch controls both Local Digital Loop and Remote Digital Loop  
tests while on-line. When the Voice/Data switch is toggled to the Answer mode position (UP) and  
DIP-Switch #9 is in the UP position, the modem performs the Local Digital Loopback test. When DIP-  
Switch #9 is DOWN and the Voice/Data switch is toggled to Answer mode position (UP), the modem  
performs the Remote Digital Loopback test.  
Local Digital Loopback Test  
Remote Digital Loopback Test =  
Factory Default Setting  
Switch #9 UP  
Switch #9 DOWN  
MultiModemBA User Guide  
Switch #10  
Leased Line/Dial-Up Operation -- "DDD"  
(Asynchronous/Synchronous Mode/Leased Line/Dial-Up)  
The modem operates in either leased-line or dial-up modes. This switch controls leased-line/dial-up  
operation. Place DIP-Switch #10 in the UP position for Dial-Up operation. Place DIP-Switch #10 in  
the DOWN position for Leased-Line operation  
Dial-Up Operation  
Leased Line Operation  
Factory Default Setting  
Switch #10 UP  
Switch #10 DOWN  
Switch #11  
"AT" Responses/Multi-Tech Responses  
(Asynchronous Mode/Leased line/Dial-Up)  
In Asynchronous mode, you can set the modem to respond with Result Codes according to the  
"Multi-Tech" command response set (Switch #11 in the DOWN position), or to "AT" command  
response set (Switch #11 in the UP position). The &Q command performs the same function  
(choosing AT or Multi-Tech Result Codes), and is explained further in Section 5.3 of this manual.  
"AT" Responses (&Q1)  
"Multi-Tech" Responses (&Q0  
Factory Default Setting  
Switch #11 UP  
Switch #11 DOWN  
Switch #11  
Internal/External Clocking  
(Synchronous Mode/Leased Line/Dial-Up)  
In Synchronous mode, the transmit clock can be supplied by the DTE on pin 24 of the RS-232C/V.24  
interface by placing DIP-Switch #11 UP. Place DIP-Switch #11 in the DOWN position to enable DCE  
to control clocking (internal clock via pins 15 and 17 of the RS-232/V.24 interface).  
External Clock (pin 24)  
Internal Clock (pins 15/17)  
Factory Default Setting  
Switch #11 UP  
Switch #11 DOWN  
Switch #12  
Asynchronous/Synchronous Operation -- "Sync"  
(Asynchronous/Synchronous Mode/Leased Line/Dial-Up)  
The modem can operate in either Asynchronous mode or Synchronous mode. In Synchronous mode,  
start and stop bits are eliminated. The modem's internal clock circuits on the RS-232C/V.24 pins 15  
and 17 are activated. The modem's Command mode is not accessible in Synchronous mode. This  
switch is a means to alternate and to access either mode. In Synchronous mode, you may want to  
set the RTS forcing and CTS forcing DIP-Switches so that both of signals act normally (not forced  
Synchronous Operation  
Asynchronous Operation  
Factory Default Setting  
Switch #12 UP  
Switch #12 DOWN  
Chapter 7 - DIP-Switch Settings  
Switches #13 and #14  
Speed Switches  
(Synchronous Mode/Leased Line)  
DIP-Switches #13 and #14 are used to set the modems data transmission rate. Switches #13 and  
#14 are used in combination, typically in leased-line and call origination applications.  
Note: The modem baud rate command ($MBn) overrides the setting of these speed selection  
switches (DIP switches #13 and #14).  
28800 bps Operation  
19200 bps Operation  
14400 bps Operation  
9600 bps Operation  
Switch #13 UP and Switch #14 UP  
Switch #13 DN and Switch #14 UP  
Switch #13 UP and Switch #14 DN  
Switch #13 DN and Switch #14 DN  
Factory Default Setting =  
Switch #13 UP and Switch #14 UP  
Switch #15  
Carrier Detect/DSR Forcing -- "DSR"  
(Asynchronous/Synchronous Mode/Dial-Up/Leased Line)  
Some terminals react in unusual ways to the toggling of the Carrier Detect (CD - RS-232C/V.24 pin  
6) signals. The most common symptom is that the modem does not respond to commands, or does  
not echo characters. In these cases, it is advisable to force these two signals On in order for the  
terminal to communicate properly with the modem in Command mode. This is done by setting DIP-  
Switch #15 DOWN. With DIP-Switch #15 in the UP position, both CD and DSR will be either on or off,  
depending on the On-Line status.  
CD and DSR normal  
CD and DSR forced On  
Factory Default Setting  
Switch #15 UP  
Switch #15 DOWN  
Switch #16  
(Reserved for Future Use)  
7.3 Speaker Volume Control  
You can adjust the volume of the modems phone-line monitor speaker with a volume control knob,  
located on the back of the modem next to the RS-232C connector (see Figure 9-1 for location). Turn  
the knob clockwise to increase the modem's volume and counterclockwise to decrease speaker  
MultiModemBA User Guide  
7.4 Recording Option Configurations  
This section lets you record any changes you may have made to the DIP-Switch settings. Circle the  
appropriate setting and record the effect for future reference.  
Force DTR/DTR from Interface*  
DTR Dependent on Interface  
DTR Forced On at All Times  
Flow Control &E4*/&E5  
(Async/Dial-Up/Leased Line)  
Hardware Flow Control  
XON /OFF Flow Control  
SDLC*/BSC (Sync)  
SDLC Mode On  
BSC Mode On  
Result Codes Enable*/Disable  
Command Mode Response Off  
Command Mode Response ON  
DbM Transmit (-9db/0dB)*/(-15db/-10dB) UP  
-15 dB Transmission (leased line)  
-9 dB Transmission (leased line)  
UUCP Enable/Disable*  
(Async/Dial-Up/Leased Line)  
UUCP Spoofing Off  
UUCP Spoofing On  
AS/400 Enable/Disable*  
(Sync/Dial-Up/Leased line)  
AS/400 Mode Off  
AS/400 Mode On  
Auto-Answer Enable*/Disable  
Automatic Answer On  
Automatic Answer Off  
(Async/Sync/Leased Line)  
Answer Mode On  
Originate Mode On  
Max-Thru Enable*/Disable  
Max Throughput On  
Max Throughput Off  
Slave Clock Enable/Disable*  
Slave Clocking Off  
Slave Clocking On  
RTS Dependent on Interface  
RTS Forced On at All Times  
Command Mode Enabled*  
Command Mode Off  
Command Mode On  
Local/Remote* LoopBack  
Local Digital Loopback On  
Remote Digital Loopback On  
Dial-Up Operation  
Leased-Line Operation  
"AT"/"Multi-Tech" Result Codes*  
AT Responses  
Multi-Tech Responses  
Internal Clocking*/External Clocking  
External Clocking Selected  
Internal Clocking Selected  
Sync/Async Mode*  
Synchronous Mode On  
Asynchronous Mode On  
* Factory Default Setting  
Chapter 7 - DIP-Switch Settings  
DIP Switches #13-14  
Note: The modem baud rate command ($MBn) overrides the setting of these speed selection  
switches (DIP switches #13 and #14).  
28.8 K bps Operation  
19.2 K bps Operation  
14.4 K bps Operation  
9600 bps Operation  
DIP Switches #15-16  
CD/DSR from Interface  
CD/DSR Forced On  
Not Used  
Not Used  
*Standard Factory Default Setting  
Chapter 8 - Warranty, Service and Tech Support  
Chapter 8 - Warranty, Service, and Technical Support  
8.1 Introduction  
This chapter starts out with statements about your modem's 5-year warranty. The next section, Tech  
Support, should be read carefully if you have questions or problems with your modem. It includes the  
technical support telephone numbers, space for recording your modem information, and an  
explanation of how to send in your modem should you require service. The final four sections explain  
how to use our Bulletin Board Service (BBS), upgrading the modem via Flash PROM, a brief section  
on the CompuServe/Internet forums and information on Multi-Tech's Fax-Back Service.  
8.2 Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. Warranty & Repairs Policies  
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc., (hereafter MTS) warrants that its products will be free from defects in  
material or workmanship for a period of two, five, or ten years (depending on model) from date of  
purchase, or if proof of purchase is not provided, two, five, or ten years (depending on model) from  
date of shipment.  
This warranty does not apply to any products which have been damaged by lightning storms, water,  
or power surges or which have been neglected, altered, abused, used for a purpose other than the  
one for which they were manufactured, repaired by Customer or any party without MTSs written  
authorization, or used in any manner inconsistent with MTSs instructions.  
MTSs entire obligation under this warranty shall be limited (at MTSs option) to repair or replacement  
of any products which prove to be defective within the warranty period or, at MTSs option, issuance  
of a refund of the purchase price. Defective products must be returned by Customer to MTSs  
factory transportation prepaid.  
Repair Procedures for U.S. and Canadian Customers  
In the event that service is required, products may be shipped, freight prepaid, to our Mounds View,  
Minnesota factory:  
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc.  
2205 Woodale Drive  
Mounds View, MN 55112  
Attn: Repairs, Serial # ____________  
A Returned Materials Authorization (RMA) is not required. Return shipping charges (surface) will be  
paid by MTS.  
Please include, inside the shipping box, a description of the problem, a return shipping address (must  
have street address, not P.O. Box), your telephone number, and if the product is out of warranty, a  
check or purchase order for repair charges.  
For out of warranty repair charges, go to  
Extended two-year overnight replacement service agreements are available for selected products.  
Please call MTS at (888) 288-5470, extension 5308 or visit our web site at for details on rates and coverage’s.  
MultiModemBA User Guide  
Please direct your questions regarding technical matters, product configuration, verification that the  
product is defective, etc., to our Technical Support department at (800) 972-2439 or email  
[email protected]. Please direct your questions regarding repair expediting, receiving, ship-  
ping, billing, etc., to our Repair Accounting department at (800) 328-9717 or (763) 717-5631, or email  
Repairs for damages caused by lightning storms, water, power surges, incorrect installation, physical  
abuse, or user-caused damages are billed on a time-plus-materials basis.  
Repair Procedures for International Customers (Outside U.S.A. and Canada)  
Your original point of purchase Reseller may offer the quickest and most economical repair option for  
your Multi-Tech product. You may also contact any Multi-Tech sales office for information about the  
nearest distributor or other repair service for your Multi-Tech product.  
In the event that factory service is required, products may be shipped, freight prepaid to our Mounds  
View, Minnesota factory. Recommended international shipment methods are via Federal Express,  
UPS or DHL courier services, or by airmail parcel post; shipments made by any other method will be  
refused. A Returned Materials Authorization (RMA) is required for products shipped from outside the  
U.S.A. and Canada. Please contact us for return authorization and shipping instructions on any  
International shipments to the U.S.A. Please include, inside the shipping box, a description of the  
problem, a return shipping address (must have street address, not P.O. Box), your telephone num-  
ber, and if the product is out of warranty, a check drawn on a U.S. bank or your companys purchase  
order for repair charges. Repaired units shall be shipped freight collect, unless other arrangements  
are made in advance.  
Please direct your questions regarding technical matters, product configuration, verification that the  
product is defective, etc., to our Technical Support department nearest you or email  
[email protected]. When calling the U.S., please direct your questions regarding repair  
expediting, receiving, shipping, billing, etc., to our Repair Accounting department at  
+(763) 717-5631 in the U.S.A., or email [email protected].  
Repairs for damages caused by lightning storms, water, power surges, incorrect installation, physical  
abuse, or user-caused damages are billed on a time-plus-materials basis.  
Repair Procedures for International Distributors  
Procedures for International Distributors of Multi-Tech products are on the distributor web site.  
Copyright ã Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. 2001  
8.3 Online Warranty Registration  
If you have access to the World Wide Web, you can register your Multi-Tech product online at http://  
Chapter 8 - Warranty, Service, and Technical Support  
8.4 Replacement Parts  
SupplyNet, Inc., can supply you with replacement power supplies, cables and connectors for selected  
Multi-Tech products. You can place an order with SupplyNet via mail, phone, fax or the Internet at the  
following addresses:  
SupplyNet, Inc.  
614 Corporate Way  
Valley Cottage, NY 10989  
Phone: 800 826-0279  
Fax: 914 267-2420  
8.5 Technical Support  
Multi-Tech Systems has an excellent staff of technical support personnel available to help you get the  
most out of your Multi-Tech product. If you have any questions about the operation of this unit,  
please call 800 972-2439 (USA and Canada) or 763 785-3500 (international and local). Please have  
modem information available. You can also contact Technical Support by e-mail at the following  
U.S.A., Canada  
Rest of world:  
+(33) 1-64 61 09 81  
+91 (124) 6340778  
+(44) 118 959 7774  
800 972-2439  
+763 717-5863  
Please note the status of the modem before contacting Technical Support. Status information can  
include the state of the LED indicators, screen messages, diagnostic test results, problems with a  
specific application, etc.  
8.6 Internet Sites  
Multi-Tech is a commercial provider on the Internet. Multi-Tech has a Web site at  
and an ftp site at  
Appendix A - Upgrading Your Modem’s Firmware  
Appendix A -- UpgradingYour Modem’s Firmware  
Your modem is controlled by semi-permanent software, called firmware, which is stored in flash  
memory. Firmware is nonvolatile; that is, it remains stored in memory when the modem is turned off.  
However, it can be changed by either the manufacturer or the user as bugs are fixed or new features  
are added.  
Since the firmware in your modem is stored in flash memory, you can upgrade it yourself in a few  
minutes by using the following procedures.  
Upgrade Overview  
The upgrade procedure consists of the following steps, which are described in greater detail in the  
following sections.  
1. Identify the model number and firmware version of your modem.  
2. Identify the current version of the firmware at the Multi-Tech Web site or BBS. If your modem already  
has the current firmware, there is no need to update it.  
3. Download the upgrade file and the appropriate Flash Wizard for your modem.  
4. Install the Flash Wizard and extract the firmware .HEX file from the file you downloaded.  
5. Document and clear your stored parameters.  
6. Upgrade the modems firmware using the .HEX file and the Flash Wizard.  
7. Restore your parameters.  
Step 1: Identify the Modem Firmware  
You must know the model number and firmware version of your Multi-Tech modem to know whether  
or not you should update it.  
1. Run your favorite terminal program. If you are using Windows 95 or above, you can use Windows  
2. In the programs terminal window, type AT&F. Even if you cannot see the AT&F command on your  
screen, be sure to type it completely, and then press ENTER. If the modem does not respond with OK,  
repeat the AT&F command.  
3. Now type ATI, press ENTER, and record your results. The model number and firmware version should  
appear .  
Step 2: Identify the Current Firmware Version  
Identify the current version of the firmware at the Multi-Tech Web site. If your modem already has the  
current firmware, there is no need to update it.  
2. Scroll down to your modem model number.  
3. Look at the firmware version number for your modem.  
4. If the firmware version number matches the firmware version number found in Step 1: Identify the  
Modem Firmware,you have the current firmware version and do not need to be update.  
MultiModemBA User Guide  
5. If the firmware version number is greater than the firmware version number found in Step 1: Identify  
the Modem Firmware,your modem has an older firmware version. Continue with Step 3: Download  
the Upgrade File.”  
Warning: The first digit of the new firmware must match the first digit of the old firmware, or the  
modem may not work properly. E.g., if your current firmware version is 4.16, replace it only with 4.xx  
firmware, not 6.xx firmware.  
Step 3: Download the Upgrade File  
1. If you are not already at the MultiModems Firmware page of the Multi-Tech Web site, follow the  
procedure in Step 2: Identify the Current Firmware.”  
2. Download the upgrade file for your modem by clicking its name, and save the file in a temporary  
folder on your hard disk.  
3. In the same section of the Web page, click the Flash Wizard utility for your operating system to  
download it, and save it in the same folder.  
Step 4: Extract the Upgrade Files  
1. Install the Flash Wizard utility by double-clicking the file name in Windows Explorer.  
2. Extract the upgrade files by double-clicking the file name. The extracted files include a .HEX file,  
which contains the upgrade data, and a Readme file.  
3. Copy the upgrade .HEX file into the Flash Wizard folder, which, in a default installation, is at  
C:\Program Files\MultiTech Systems\Flash Wizard\.  
Step 5: Clear Your Stored Parameters  
Before you flash your modem, you should record the parameters that are currently stored in it, so you  
can reprogram it after flashing. After you have recorded them, send the AT&W1Z command to the  
modem to clear the stored parameters.  
1. Run your favorite terminal program. If you are using Windows 95 or above, you can use Windows  
2. In the programs terminal window, type AT&V and press ENTER to list your modems current  
3. Record your parameters by saving the screens and sending them to your printer.  
4. Type AT&W1Z and press ENTER to clear your stored parameters and reset your modem to factory  
5. Close the terminal program.  
Appendix A - Upgrading Your Modem’s Firmware  
Step 6: Upgrade the Modem’s Firmware  
Before you begin the following procedure, read the README.TXT file extracted from the upgrade  
archive file. Note the file name for the new firmware (example: ARQG125A.HEX).  
WARNING: Never install an older version of firmware over a newer version. Doing this WILL  
DESTROY THE FLASH PROM! If the flash PROM is destroyed, the modem must be sent in for  
1. Run Flash Wizard by double-clicking its icon or file name, or by selecting it from the Start menu. The  
Identifying Devices dialog box is displayed as Flash Wizard locates and identifies the devices  
connected to your system.  
Note: If the message ERROR: No valid devices detected is displayed, verify that the modem is  
turned on and that all cables are correctly and securely attached.  
2. Click the modem to be upgraded, and then click Next to proceed.  
3. Select the port to be upgraded from the Port list, select the appropriate .HEX file from the Hex File  
list, and then click Next to continue.  
Note: Do not use FLASHLDR.HEX. This file is used internally by Flash Wizard.  
4. The Progress dialog box appears, showing a status bar that indicates the progress of the upgrade.  
Caution: Any disruption of the program during this stage of the upgrade can cause your modem to  
become inoperable. Wait for the Next button to become active before proceeding.  
5. When the flash upgrade is complete, the message Programming Complete appears. Click Next to  
6. The Results dialog box appears next. Click Finish to exit Flash Wizard.  
Step 7: Restore Your Parameters  
Your modem has been updated. You can now open your terminal program to reprogram your modem  
parameters or to confirm the update by typing ATI in the terminal window and pressing ENTER.  
MultiModemBA User Guide  
Appendix B - Troubleshooting  
Your modem was thoroughly tested at the factory before it was shipped. If you are unable to make a  
successful connection or if you experience data loss or garbled characters during your connection, it  
is possible that the modem is defective. However, it is more likely that the source of your problem lies  
elsewhere. Problems you may encounter include the following:  
None of the LEDs light when the modem is on.  
The modem does not respond to commands.  
The modem dials but is unable to make a connection.  
The modem disconnects while on-line.  
The modem cannot connect when answering.  
File transfer is slower than it should be.  
I am losing data.  
I am getting garbage characters on the monitor.  
I cant run my fax and communications software at the same time.  
If you experience problems, please check the following possibilities before calling Tech Support.  
None of the LEDs Light When the Modem Is On  
When you turn on the modem, the LED indicators on the front panel should flash briefly as the  
modem runs a self-test. If the LEDs remain off, the modem is probably not receiving power.  
Make sure the modems power switch is on, especially if you normally turn on the modem by  
turning on a power strip.  
If the power supply is plugged into a power strip, make sure the power strip is plugged in and its  
power switch is on.  
Make sure the power supply module is firmly connected to the modem and to the wall outlet or  
power strip.  
If the power strip is on and the modem switch is on, try moving the modem power supply to  
another outlet on the power strip.  
Test that the outlet is live by plugging a lamp into it.  
The modem or power supply may be defective. If you have another Multi-Tech modem, try  
swapping modems. If the problem goes away, the first modem or power supply may be defective.  
Call Tech Support for assistance.  
CAUTION: Do not under any circumstances replace the power supply module with one designed for  
another product, as it may damage the modem and void your warranty.  
The Modem Does Not Respond to Commands  
Make sure the modem is plugged in and turned on. (See None of the LEDs Light When the  
Modem Is On.)  
Make sure you are issuing the modem commands from the data communications software, either  
manually in terminal mode or automatically by configuring the software. (You cannot send  
commands to the modem from the DOS prompt.)  
Make sure you are in terminal mode in your data communications program, then type AT and  
press ENTER. If you get an OK response, your connections are good and the problem likely is in  
your phone book entry or session settings.  
Try resetting your modem by turning it off and on. Make sure there is a reset command (&F) in  
your initialization string, or your modem may not initialize correctly.  
Appendix B - Troubleshooting  
If you dont get an OK, the problem may still be in the communications software. Make sure you  
have done whatever is necessary in your software to make a port connection. Not all  
communications programs connect to the COM port automatically. Some connect when the  
software loads and remain connected until the program terminates. Others can disconnect  
without exiting the program (make sure the Connect icon looks plugged in). If the terminal reports  
that it cannot make a connection, yet the modems TR indicator is on, click on the Window menu  
to see if more than one terminal is open. The modems TR indicator shows that the software has  
made a connection with the modem through the COM port.  
Your communications software settings may not match the physical port the modem is connected  
to. The serial cable may be plugged into the wrong connectorcheck your computer  
documentation to make sure. Or you may have selected a COM port in your software other than  
the one the modem is physically connected tocompare the settings in your software to the  
physical connection.  
If the modem is on, the cable is plugged into the correct port, the communications software is  
configured correctly, and you still dont get an OK, the fault may be in the serial cable. Make sure  
it is firmly connected at both ends.  
Is this the first time you have used the cable? If so, it may not be correct. Check the cable  
description on the packaging to make sure the cable is the right one for your computer.  
Peripheral expansion cards, such as bus mouse and sound cards, may include a serial port pre-  
configured as COM1 or COM2. The extra serial port, or the card itself, may use the same COM  
port, memory address, or interrupt request (IRQ) as your communications port. Be sure to  
disable any unused ports.  
To look for address or IRQ conflicts if you use Windows 3.1x, select File, Run in Program  
Manager, type MSD, and press ENTER. Then select Mouse, COM Ports, and IRQ Status and  
note the addresses and IRQs that are in use. If you find an IRQ conflict, note which IRQs are not  
being used, then change one of the conflicting devices to use one of the unused IRQs. If you find  
an address conflict, change the address of one of the conflicting devices.  
To change a port address or IRQ in Windows 3.1x, double-click the Control Panel icon, then the  
Ports icon. Click on the port you want to change, click Settings, click Advanced, and select the  
new port address and/or interrupt. If you wish to use COM3 or COM4, note that COM3 shares an  
IRQ with COM1, as does COM4 with COM2, so you should change their IRQs to unused ones, if  
If you use Windows 95, right-click on My Computer, select Properties from the menu, click on the  
Device Manager tab, double-click on Ports, then double-click on the Communications Port your  
modem is connected to. In the ports Properties sheet, click on the Resources tab to see the  
ports Input/Output range and Interrupt Request. If another device is using the same address  
range or IRQ, it will appear in the Conflicting Device List. Uncheck Use Automatic Settings to  
change the ports settings so they do not conflict with the other device, or select the port the  
conflicting device is on and change it instead. If you need to open your computer to change  
switches or jumpers on the conflicting device; refer to the devices documentation.  
The serial port may be defective. If you have another serial port, install the modem on it, change  
the COM port setting in your software, and try again.  
The modem may be defective. If you have another Multi-Tech modem, try swapping modems. If  
the problem goes away, the first modem is possibly defective. Call Tech Support for assistance.  
MultiModemBA User Guide  
The Modem Dials But Cannot Make a Connection  
There can be several reasons the modem fails to make a connection. Possibilities include  
lack of a physical connection to the telephone line.  
a wrong dial tone.  
a busy signal.  
a wrong number.  
no modem at the other end.  
a faulty modem, computer, or software at the other end.  
incompatibility between modems.  
You can narrow the list of possibilities by using extended result codes. To enable them, enter  
ATV1X4 and press ENTER while in terminal mode, or include V1X4 in the modems initialization  
string. When you dial again, the modem will report the calls progress.  
If the modem reports NO DIALTONE, check that the modems telephone line cable is connected  
to both the modems LINE jack (not the PHONE jack) and the telephone wall jack. If the cable  
looks secure, try replacing it. If that doesnt work, the problem may be in your buildings  
telephone installation. To test the building installation, plug a telephone into your modems  
telephone wall jack and listen for a dial tone. If you hear a dial tone, your modem may be  
installed behind a company phone system (PBX) with an internal dial tone that sounds different  
from the normal dial tone. In that case, the modem may not recognize the dial tone and may treat  
it as an error. Check your PBX manual to see if you can change the internal dial tone; if you  
cant, change your modems initialization string to replace X4 with X3, which will cause the  
modem to ignore dial tones.  
If the modem reports BUSY, the other number may be busy, in which case you should try again  
later, or it may indicate that you have failed to add a 9, prefix to the phone number if you must  
dial 9 for an outside line.  
If you must dial 9 to get an outside line, the easiest way to dial it automatically is to include it in  
the modems dial prefix, e.g., ATDT9,. Note the comma, which inserts a pause before the  
number is dialed. By inserting 9, into the dial prefix, you do not have to include it in each directory  
entry in the terminal.  
To change the dial prefix in Windows Terminal, select Settings, Modem Commands. To change it  
in Windows 95 HyperTerminal, select Call, Connect from the menu bar, click Dialing Properties,  
and type 9 in the local and long distance boxes in How I Dial from This Location.  
If the modem reports NO ANSWER, the other system has failed to go off-hook, or you might  
have dialed a wrong number. Check the number.  
If the modem reports NO CARRIER, the phone was answered at the other end, but no  
connection was made. You might have dialed a wrong number, and a person answered instead  
of a computer, or you might have dialed the correct number but the other computer or software  
was turned off or faulty. Check the number and try again, or try calling another system to make  
sure your modem is working. Also, try calling the number on your telephone. If you hear harsh  
sounds, then another modem is answering the call, and the modems may be having problems  
negotiating because of modem incompatibilities or line noise. Try connecting at a lower speed.  
Appendix B - Troubleshooting  
The Modem Disconnects While On-line  
If you have call waiting on the same phone line as your modem, it may interrupt your connection  
when someone tries to call you. If you have call waiting, disable it before each call. In most  
telephone areas, you can disable call waiting by preceding the telephone number with *70 (check  
with your local telephone company).  
You can automatically disable call waiting by including the disabling code in the modems dial  
prefix (e.g., ATDT*70,note the comma, which inserts a pause before the number is dialed). To  
change the dial prefix in Windows Terminal, select Settings, Modem Commands. To change it in  
Windows 95 HyperTerminal, select Call, Connect from the menu bar, click Dialing Properties,  
check this location has Call Waiting, and select the correct code for your phone service.  
If you have extension phones on the same line as your modem, you or someone else can  
interrupt the connection by picking up another phone. If this is a frequent problem, disconnect the  
extension phones before using the modem, or install another phone line especially for the  
Check for loose connections between the modem and the computer, the telephone jack, and AC  
The Modem Cannot Connect When Answering  
Auto-answer may be disabled. Turn on auto-answer in your datacomm program or send the  
command ATS0=1 to your modem in terminal mode.  
File Transfer Is Slower Than It Should Be  
You may have an older UART. For best throughput, install a 16550AFN UART or a Multi-Tech ISI  
serial port card. See the Quick Startchapter for information on how to identify your UART.  
If you are running under Windows 3.1 and have a 16550AFN UART, you must replace the  
Windows serial driver, COMM.DRV, to take full advantage of the UARTs speed.  
If you are using a slow transfer protocol, such as Xmodem or Kermit, try Zmodem or Ymodem/G  
Is your line noisy? If there is static on your line, the modem has to re-send many blocks of data to  
insure accuracy. You must have a clean line for maximum speed.  
Are you downloading a compressed file with MNP 5 hardware compression enabled? Since  
hardware data compression cannot compress a file already compressed by an archiving  
program, the transfer can be marginally slower with data compression enabled than with it  
Try entering the L8 (List Online Diagnostics) command in on-line mode, making a screen print of  
the diagnostics listing, and checking for parameters that may be unacceptable (number of  
retrains, round trip delay, etc.).  
I Am Losing Data  
If you are using data compression and a high speed serial port, set the serial port baud rate to  
four times the data rate.  
Make sure the flow control method you selected in software matches the method selected in the  
modem. If you have a Macintosh, you may have the wrong cable for hardware flow control.  
Try entering the L8 (List Online Diagnostics) command in on-line mode, making a screen print of  
the diagnostics listing, and checking for parameters that may be unacceptable (number of  
retrains, round trip delay, etc.).  
MultiModemBA User Guide  
I Am Getting Garbage Characters on the Monitor  
Your computer and the remote computer may be set to different word lengths, stop bits, or  
parities. If you have connected at 8-N-1, try changing to 7-E-1, or vice-versa, using your  
communications software.  
You may be experiencing line noise. Enable error correction, if it is disabled, or hang up and call  
again; you may get a better connection.  
At speeds above 2400 bps, the remote modem might not use the same transmission or error  
correction standards as your modem. Try connecting at a slower speed or disabling error  
correction. (With no error correction, however, line noise can cause garbage characters.)  
Try entering the L8 (List Online Diagnostics) command in on-line mode, making a screen print of  
the diagnostics listing, and checking for parameters that may be unacceptable (number of  
retrains, round trip delay, etc.).  
My Fax and Communications Software Won’t Run at the Same Time  
Communications devices can be accessed by only one application at a time. Under DOS or Windows  
3.1x, you can run either your fax software or your datacomm software, but not both at the same time,  
unless you have a special communications device management application, such as Multi-Techs  
Virtual Modem Driver. In Windows 95, you can have data and fax communication applications open  
at the same time, but they cannot use the same modem at the same time.  
Appendix C - AT Command Summary  
Apendix C - AT Command Summary  
Attention Code that precedes most command strings  
except A/, A: and Escape Codes.  
Pressing RETURN key executes most commands.  
This symbol placed in dialing string enables the  
modem to detect AT&T's "call card" tones for  
accessing user's calling card to originate an on-line  
Answer call, even if no ring present. Repeat last  
command. (Do not precede this command with AT.  
Do not hit RETURN to execute.)  
Continuous redial (10 redials in DOC units) of last  
number until answered. (Not used Internationally.)  
n = 0 or 1  
$A0 discards data during auto-reliable time period.  
$A1 buffers data during auto-reliable time period.  
n = 0 thru 3  
#A0 selects initial handshake at:33,600 to 31,200 to  
28,800 to 24000 to 21,600 to 19,200 to 16,800 to  
14,400 to 12,000 to 9600 to 4800 to 2400 to 1200 to  
300 bps.  
#A1 selects initial handshake at 33,600 bps only.  
#A2 selects initial handshake at 33,600 to 31,200 to  
28,800 to 24000 to 21600 to 19,200 to 16,800  
19,200 to 14,400 to 9600 to 4800 bps.  
#A3 selects initial handshake at 2400 to 1200 to 300  
* Factory Default Setting  
n = 0 or 1  
n = 0 or 1  
n = 0 or 1  
B0 selects V.21 answer tone.  
B1 selects Bell answer tone.  
&B0 means normal transmit buffer size.  
&B1 means reduced transmit buffer size.  
&BS0 means maximum transmit block size of 64  
&BS1 means maximum transmit block size of 256  
n = 0 or 1  
$BA0 means speed conversion is on.  
$BA1 means speed conversion is off.  
n = 0,1,2,4  
&C0 forces Carrier Detect on.  
&C1 lets Carrier Detect act normally.  
&C2 lets Carrier Detect drop S24 time on  
&C4 resets modem when Carrier Detect drops.  
n = 0 or 1  
&CD0 execute cleardown on disconnect.  
&CD1 do not execute cleardown on disconnect.  
s = phone #  
Dial a telephone number s,where s may include  
up to 60 digits or T, P, R, comma and ; characters.  
MultiModemBA User Guide  
s = phone #  
Store telephone number. To store, phone d = 0 thru  
9 number sis entered and followed by N and then  
Directory Number d.”  
n = 0 thru 3  
&D0 DTR is ignored  
&D1 means modem returns to command mode.  
&D2 lets modem react to DTR normally.  
&D3 causes modem to reset to modem default  
n = 0 or 1  
n = 0 or 1  
%DF0 Line Probe Data in Graph Format.  
%DF1 Line Probe Data in Table Format.  
%DP0 do not read Line Probe Information from DSP  
during handshaking.  
%DP1 read Line Probe Information from DSP during  
n = 0 or 1  
$D0 disables DTR Dialing.  
$D1 enables DTR Dialing.  
n = 0 or 1  
E0 means do not echo Command Mode Character.  
E1 means do echo Command Mode characters.  
n = 0 thru 15  
&E0 means no error correction.  
&E1 means V.42 Auto-reliable Mode.  
&E2 means V.42 Reliable Mode.  
&E3 means no modem-initiated flow control.  
&E4 means CTS modem-initiated flow control.  
&E5 means Xon/Xoff modem-initiated flow control.  
&E6 means Xon/Xoff not passed through.  
&E7 means Xon/Xoff passed through.  
&E8 means Enq/Ack pacing off.  
&E9 means Enq/Ack pacing on.  
&E10 means Normal Mode flow control off.  
&E11 means Normal Mode flow control on.  
&E12 means Pacing off.  
&E13 means Pacing on.  
&E14 means data compression disabled.  
&E15 means data compression enabled.  
n = 0 or 1  
n=0 thru 5  
$EB0 enables 10 bit mode.  
$EB1 enables 11 bit mode.  
% E0 = Modem Wont Escape.  
% E1 = +++ Method (default setting).  
% E2 = Break Method.  
% E3 = Either +++ or Break Method.  
% E4 = No "OK" Response to +++  
% E5 = "OK" Response to +++  
n = 0 thru 2  
#F0 means no fallback when on-line.  
#F1 means fallbackwhen on-line (increments of  
2400 bps).  
#F2 means fallback to 4800 bps/fall forward if line  
improves (increments of 2400 bps).  
Appendix C - AT Command Summary  
n = 0, 8 or 9  
&F loads factory default values from ROM.  
&F8 reads factory default values and switch settings  
when &F is issued.  
&F9 reads parameters stored in non-volatile  
memory when &F is issued.  
n = 0 or 1  
$F0 means do not fall back to normal connect if CR  
$F1 means fall back to normal connect if CR  
n = 0, 1 or 2  
&G0 turns off CCITT guard tones.  
&G1 turns on CCITT 550 Hz guard tone.  
&G2 turns on CCITT 1800 Hz guard tone.  
n = 0 or 1  
H0 means Hang Up (go on hook).  
H1 means Go Off Hook.  
n = 1 thru 3  
$H1 brings up Help Screen #1.  
$H2 brings up Help Screen #2.  
$H3 brings up Help Screen #3.  
n = 0,1or 2  
Read Only  
I0 requests modem ID #.  
I1 requests firmware revision #.  
I2 for MTS internal use.  
Command enables display of Windows 95  
Autodetect characteristics  
Lists all stored telephone numbers in memory.  
L5 lists all current operating parameters.  
L6 lists all current S-Register values.  
L7 lists additional parameters.  
L8 lists On-Line Diagnostics.  
L9 Displays Signal Strength Information.  
L10 Displays Signal to Noise Ratio Information.  
L11 Displays Noise Information.  
L11 (  
n = 0 thru 3  
n = 0 thru 3  
#L0 means modems negotiate V.42 Mode.  
#L1 means MNP on and LAP-M off.  
#L2 means LAP-M on and MNP off.  
#L3 means no detection phase but go directly to  
M0 means Monitor speaker always Off.  
M1 means Monitor speaker On until carrier detected  
M2 means Monitor speaker always On.  
M3 Monitor speaker on during dialing/off during  
MultiModemBA User Guide  
n = speed  
$MB75 selects CCITT V.23 mode.  
$MB300 selects 300 bps on-line.  
$MB1200 selects 1200 bps on-line.  
$MB2400 selects 2400 bps on-line.  
$MB4800 selects 4800 bps on-line.  
$MB9600 selects 9600 bps on-line.  
$MB14400 selects 14400 bps on-line  
$MB19200 selects 19200 bps on-line  
$MB28800 selects 28800 bps on-line  
$MB33600 selects 33600 bps on-line  
n = 0 or 1  
&M0 selects Async when on-line.  
&M1 selects Sync when on-line.  
d = 0 thru 9  
Dial stored telephone number d(Do not include the  
letter D in this command.)  
d = 0 thru 9  
e = any other  
number 0  
thru 9  
Number Linking. If first number dialed is  
busy, another stored number may be  
automatically dialed. In example, stored  
number d is dialed, and if busy, stored  
number e is dialed.  
Exit Command Mode and go into On-Line Mode.  
Modem will pulse-dial numbers following the P.  
n = 0 or 1  
&P0 means 60-40 pulse ratio.  
&P1 means 67-33 pulse ratio.  
n = 0, 1 or 2  
Q0 means Result Codes sent.  
Q1 means Result Codes will be suppressed (quiet).  
Q2 means Dumb Answer Mode.  
n = 0 or 1  
n = 0 or 1  
n = 0, 1 or 2  
&Q0 selects Multi-Tech command set.  
&Q1 selects AT command set.  
R0 means modem will not reverse modes.  
R1 means modem will reverse modes.  
&R0 lets Clear to Send act normally.  
&R1 forces Clear to Send on.  
&R2 drops for 1 second on disconnect.  
Command Initiates a Retrain that makes the  
processor read Line Probe Information (valid only in  
V.34 mode).  
n = 0 or 1  
n = 0 or 1  
$R0 means disconnect after 12 retransmits.  
$R1 means do not disconnect after 12 retransmits.  
&RF0 selects CTS follows RTS.  
&RF1 selects CTS to act independently  
r = 0-11, 13,  
Sets value of Register rto value of n,  
15-19, 24-26,  
29, 30, 32, 34...  
where nis entered in Decimal format.  
r = 0-11, 13,  
15-19, 24-26,  
30, 32 or 34...  
Reads value of Register rand displays  
value in 3-digit Decimal format.  
Appendix C - AT Command Summary  
n = speed  
$SB300 selects 300 bps at serial port.  
$SB1200 selects 1200 bps at serial port.  
$SB2400 selects 2400 bps at serial port.  
$SB4800 selects 4800 bps at serial port.  
$SB9600 selects 9600 bps at serial port.  
$SB19200 selects 19,200 bps at serial port.  
$SB38400 selects 38,400 bps at serial port.  
$SB57600 selects 57600 bps at serial port.  
$SB115200 selects 115200 bps at serial port.  
n = 0 or 1  
&SF0 selects DSR follows CD.  
&SF1 selects DSR independent.  
n = 0, 1 or 2  
&S0 forces Data Set Ready On.  
&S1 lets Data Set Ready act normally.  
&S2 Data Set Ready drop is regulated by S24 on  
n = 0 or 1  
n = 4 or 5  
$SP0 disables UUCP Spoofing  
$SP1 enables UUCP Spoofing  
Modem will tone-dial numbers following the T.  
&T4 means Enable Response to Request for  
Remote Digital Loopback.  
&T5 means Disable Response to Request for  
Remote Digital Loopback.  
n = 0 or 1  
#T0 turns off Trellis Coded Modulation  
#T1 turns on Trellis Coded Modulation  
n = 0, 1, 2, or 3  
U0 places modem in Analog Loop Originate Mode.  
U1 places modem in Analog Loop Answer Mode.  
U2 places modem in Remote Digital Loopback test  
U3 places modem in Local Digital Loopback test  
n= 0 or 1  
n = 0 or 1  
$VD0 disables Voice/Data Dialing  
$VD1 enables Voice/Data Dialing  
V0 means Result Codes sent as digits (terse  
V1 means Result Codes sent as words (verbose  
Wait for new dial-tone.  
n = 0 or 1  
&W0 causes modem to store its current parameters  
in non-volatile RAM, and modem will load these for  
future sessions instead of reading factory ROM  
defaults, unless &F command used.  
&W1 causes modem to not store parameters.  
MultiModemBA User Guide  
n = 0,1,2,3 or 4  
X0 selects Basic Result Codes (w/o CONNECT  
1200, CONNECT 2400).  
X1 selects Extended Result Codes (w/CONNECT  
1200, CONNECT 2400).  
X2 selects Standard AT Command set with NO  
X3 selects Standard AT Command set with BUSY.  
X4 selects Standard AT Command set with NO  
n= 0 or 1  
n = 0 or 1  
#X0 selects single XOFF character sent until XON  
level returns.  
#X1 selects multiple XOFF characters after buffer  
level is full.  
Y0 disables sending or responding to long space  
Y1 enables sending or responding to long space  
All configuration parameters are reset to default  
In Dial Command  
In Dial Command  
In Dial Command  
In Dial Command  
Causes pause during dialing.  
Causes return to Command Mode after dialing.  
Causes modem to flash On-Hook.  
Causes modem to wait for ringback, then 5 seconds  
of silence before processing next part of command.  
In-band Escape Sequence. Places modem in  
Command Mode while still remaining On-Line. Enter  
+++ followed by the letters A and T, up to ten  
command characters, and a RETURN.  
Out-of-band Escape Sequence. Places modem in  
Command mode while still remaining On- Line.  
Enter a BREAK signal, followed by the letters A and  
T, up to sixty command characters, and hit  
* Factory Default Setting  
Appendix C - AT Command Summary  
Callback Security/Remote Configuration Command Summary  
#DB0 disables Callback Security and answering Yes  
to the prompt turns off Callback Security and erases  
stored phone numbers and passwords. Answering  
No to the prompt aborts the command.  
#DB1 activates remote and local password security.  
#DB2 activates remote password security.  
Callback password with xxxxxx being callback  
password and yy being the memory location.  
Callback password xxxxxx must start with a non-  
numeric character and upper/lower case sensitive.  
Callback password xxxxxx must be a minimum of 6  
and maximum of 10 characters. yy memory  
locations are from 0 to 29. Must specify P (pulse) or  
T (tone) dialing in string.  
+ - Dxxxxxx???Nxx  
Callback Phone Numbers xxxxxx with the +  
preceding the phone number indicating the callback  
modem phone number for the corresponding  
password at the same memory location. The (-)  
preceding the phone number enables direct entry  
when the caller uses the correct password without  
the callback modem having to return the call. The  
??? entry at the end of the phone number  
represents an extension added to the main phone  
number. The Nxx is the memory location of the  
callback phone number and password.  
Parity of the prompt messages sent by the callback  
#P0 is no parity  
#P1 is odd parity  
#P2 is even parity  
Erases the callback password stored at memory  
location xx. Memory locations are 0 to 29.  
Erases the callback phone number stored at  
memory location xx. Memory locations are 0 to 29.  
MultiModemBA User Guide  
Password Command Summary  
Login Password is any keyboard characters (x)  
(upper/lower case sensitive), minimum 6 and  
maximum 10 characters. The default Login  
Password is #IMULTI-TECH.  
Setup Password is any keyboard characters (y)  
(upper/lower case sensitive), minimum 6 and  
maximum 10 characters. The default Setup  
Password is #SMODEMSETUP.  
Appendix C - AT Command Summary  
V.25bis Commands  
$V0 returns modem to AT command mode when in  
V.25bis mode.  
$V1 enables V.25bis mode of operation.  
$V2 allows modem to receive one V.25bis command  
while in AT command mode without leaving AT  
command mode.  
$V5 DSR follows DTR in V.25bis mode.  
$V6 DSR does not follow DTR in V.25bis mode.  
Changes the serial bps rate.  
CSP0300 - 300 bps  
CSP1200 - 1200 bps  
CSP2400 - 2400 bps  
CSP4800 - 4800 bps  
CSP9600 - 9600 bps  
CSP19200 - 19200 bps  
CSP38400 - 38400 bps  
CSP57600 - 57600 bps (2834  
CSP115200 - 115200 bps  
Dials phone number dd where dd can be up to 20  
characters (0 through 9, *, #, P, T and :). Phone  
number is checked against the Delayed and  
Forbidden Number lists before dialed.  
DIC or CIC  
Dials dd same as CRN Command and ignores nn  
identification string. The disregard or connect to  
incoming calls commands are used for auto-answer  
DIC stops the modem from answering incoming  
CIC causes the modem to answer incoming calls.  
MultiModemBA User Guide  
Appendix D - V.25bis Operation  
Chapter 4 described a set of commands which let the modem dial, hang-up, and be configured for  
various applications. However, these commands, the AT command set, are only functional when the  
DTE transmits data asynchronously. That is, they cannot be used with synchronous equipment such  
as that found in IBM's Binary Synchronous Communications (BSC) and Synchronous Data Link  
Control (SDLC)* environments.  
The ITU V.25bis commands provide you with an alternate set of commands and responses to those  
described in Chapter 5 for applications in which the DTE is synchronous. V.25bis commands support  
dialing functions in asynchronous or synchronous mode according to the recommendations of the  
ITU; however, the AT commands are understood to reign in the asynchronous world, while the  
V.25bis commands are relegated to the synchronous world of datacomm. If you need to establish a  
datacomm link over Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN) dial-up services, and your  
equipment outputs a synchronous data stream, V.25bis commands are essential. V.25bis mode AT  
commands do not include any modem configuration commands. You can execute normal AT  
commands in V.25bis mode for modem configuration.  
Delayed and Forbidden Numbers  
V.25bis provides the facility to delay failed call retry attempts by putting numbers that failed to  
connect on a special Delayed Number list. Subsequent dialing of these numbers will be delayed (time  
specified by a country regulation) and an appropriate message displayed. If the number is retried  
more than the maximum allowed number of times (number is also specified by country regulation), it  
is placed on the Forbidden Numbers list, and no further retries will be allowed. When the Forbidden  
Numbers list is full, no dialing is allowed and a CFIFF indication is given. The modem in AT command  
mode will respond with NO CARRIER. If country regulations require that the Forbidden Numbers list  
be checked in AT mode, then NO CARRIER will be the response to a dial attempt in AT mode.  
Numbers will also be put on the Forbidden Numbers list if the Delayed Numbers list is full and a new  
number fails for the first time. In that case, the new number will be added to the Delayed Number list  
and the oldest existing number added to the Forbidden Numbers list. Numbers are removed from the  
Forbidden Numbers list by after a certain time has past (also by country regulation).  
Some country regulations have numbers remain on the Forbidden Numbers list permanently. The  
Delayed Number and Forbidden Numbers lists are eight numbers long (20 characters each).  
V.25bis Operation  
Operation in V.25bis mode is similar to AT command mode in that certain DIP-Switch functions are  
important to its operation. V.25bis does not include any speed detection for asynchronous mode, so  
when you are giving commands, you must stay in your initial speed (i.e., if you change your terminal  
speed while entering an AT command, you will get no responses). In synchronous mode, the modem  
supplies the clock, so the synchronous terminal knowsthe speed.  
You must be in V.25bis mode for the commands described here to function. Most AT commands will  
also function, except those associated with dialing such as ATD, ATN, ATO, and ATU. To get into  
V.25bis mode, you type AT$V1. At this point your modem does no more speed or parity detection  
(things associated with asynchronous operation). To get out of V.25bis mode and back into AT  
command mode, enter AT$VO. The AT$V2 command allows you to run one V.25bis command from  
AT command mode without  
leaving AT command mode.  
There is no command to select between asynchronous and synchronous V.25bis operation. The  
position of DIP-Switch #12 selects between modes. For synchronous mode, DIP-Switch #12 must be  
UP, and the AT command mode enabled.  
Appendix D - V.25bis Operation  
Another asynchronous mode concern is the problem of connecting at a different speed than the  
speed at which the serial port is set. If your modem port speed is different from the serial port speed,  
you must either:  
Enable speed conversion and have flow control on, or  
Enable connect responses (with the ATX1 command) and change the serial baud rate  
after receiving a connect message.  
If the $VD1 command is entered when in Auto-Answer mode, the modem answers immediately upon  
receiving the first ring.  
There is no disconnect message (NO CARRIER) if a normal connection is made.  
V.25bis Set-Up and Initialization  
Before you operate your modem in the V.25bis mode, you need to make sure it is set up properly  
(various RS-232 lines such as DSR and CTS act as specified in the V.25bis standard). Setup  
involves proper DIP-Switch settings and soft-switches (software controlled conditions).  
V.25bis DIP-Switches  
Unforced DTR  
Auto-Answer enabled  
Async - Max throughput set  
Sync - Slave Clocking unforced  
Command Mode forced  
Digital Loopback Off  
Async - AT/Multi-Tech Resp.  
Async/Sync mode set per requirements  
V.25bis Mode AT Commands  
The following commands will either alter standard V.25bis behavior (so you must be careful in their  
use) or they are not allowed, as indicated. All other commands can be used in V.25bis operation.  
Not Allowed  
Not Allowed  
Not Allowed  
Not Allowed  
Not Allowed  
Alters Operation ($D1 in V25bis is direct call mode)  
Alters Operation  
Alters Operation (removes modem from asynchronous V.42bis mode)  
Not Allowed  
Not Allowed  
Not Allowed  
Not Allowed  
Not Allowed  
Not Allowed  
Not Allowed  
Alters Operation (X0 no connect message, X1 connect message)  
Not Allowed  
Not Allowed  
Not Allowed  
Not Allowed  
Not Allowed  
MultiModemBA User Guide  
V.25bis Responses (Result Codes)  
When in V.25bis mode (the AT$V1 command executed), your modem provides you with several  
responses which can help you follow the progress of V.25bis operations. These are similar to the  
Result Codes associated with AT Command mode operation. The V.25bis responses are in the form  
of three-character mnemonics as listed below:  
Incoming Call (same as RING indicator)  
A valid V.25bis command has been attempted  
Call delayed for t minutes (number on Delayed list)  
Call failure indicator where rr equals:  
et - Engaged tone (same as BUSY)  
nt - Call Answered but No Answer Tone  
ab - Call Not Answered  
fc - Number on Forbidden List  
ns - Number not stored in memory  
ua - User Abort  
nd - No Dialtone  
ff - Forbidden List full  
CON ssss  
Phone number in V.25bis memory  
Phone number on the Delay list  
Phone number on the forbidden list  
Connection at ssss speed (if X1 in effect)  
V.25bis AT Commands  
The AT commands associated with V.25bis mode are described as follows. Note that one command  
enables and disables V.25bis mode and the rest are only operable in the V.25bis mode.  
Enable/Disable V.25bis Mode ($V) Command  
The function of the $V command is to select the V.25bis mode in asynchronous mode. (Synchronous  
mode is set up with switches. For example, the modem could be in AT command mode, (AT$V1),  
and if synchronous mode is enabled with AT Command mode enabled, then V.25bis mode is  
selected). Prior to executing this command, make sure that your modem is properly set up to perform  
the type of operation you will be performing. Refer to the initialization section of this appendix for  
information about modem set-up. When in V.25bis mode, most normal AT commands will also  
function (except D,N,O and U). V.25bis operates in asynchronous or synchronous modes (depending  
on the position of DIP-Switch #12), and does not check for terminal speed (so do not change speeds  
while in this mode) or parity. In synchronous mode, speed is not important since the internal clocks  
provide synchronization.  
To place your modem in V.25bis mode from asynchronous mode, enter the AT$V1 command. To  
return to AT command mode, enter the AT$V0 command. AT$V2 allows you to run one V.25bis  
command from AT command mode without leaving AT command mode (the V.25bis command  
follows $V2 on the command line).  
Change Serial Baud Rate (CSP) Command  
The CSP command will change the serial baud rate of your modem by entering CSPsssss where  
sssss can equal:  
19200 =  
38400 =  
57600 =  
115200 =  
300 bps  
1200 bps  
2400 bps  
4800 bps  
9600 bps  
19200 bps  
38400 bps  
57600 bps  
115200 bps  
Appendix D - V.25bis Operation  
Dial Phone Number Provided (CRN) Command  
The CRN command permits the dialing of the phone number immediately following it (from the  
command line). It is similar to the D command of the AT command set, except that the number is first  
checked against the Delayed Number and Forbidden Number list. If permitted, depending on the  
country regulations in effect, the number will then be dialed. For example, if you enter CRN7859875  
and hit RETURN, your modem will check the two lists. If the number is on the Delayed Numbers list,  
you can dial that number again after t minutes have passed. If the number is on the Forbidden list, a  
CFIFC message will be displayed.  
You can use various commands from the AT command set within the CRN command line to facilitate  
the dialing process, such as P, T, or : for pulse dialing, tone dialing and wait for dial tone. V.25bis  
supports smartdialing.  
To dial a phone number, enter CRNdd...dd where dd...dd is the phone number, which can be up to  
20 characters long using any character on the telephone pad (0 through 9, *, #, P, T, and :).  
Some additional dialing characters may be available, based on country regulations.  
Listing Delayed Phone Numbers (RLD) Command  
When a phone number is dialed by a CRN command and a connection is not made, the number is  
entered in the modem's V.25bis Delayed Number list along with the number of retry attempts. Any  
further dialing attempts will be delayed some amount of time (determined by the regulations of each  
country). While the delay is in progress, the modem will give a DLC indication. The list contains eight  
numbers. When filled, the next number failing bumpsoff the oldest number on the list onto the  
Forbidden Number list. Numbers on the Delayed Number list that succeed in a connect attempt are  
removed. If a certain number of failed attempts occur (the number of failed attempts is specified by  
each country), the number is entered into the V.25bis Forbidden Phone Number List. Forbidden  
phone numbers cannot be dialed at all. To list the phone numbers on the V.25bis Delayed Phone  
Number List, enter RLD and hit RETURN.  
Listing Forbidden Phone Number (RLF) Command  
Those phone numbers that have failed to connect the required number of times as specified by  
country regulations are removed from the Delayed Number list and entered onto the V.25bis  
Forbidden Number list. Numbers on the Forbidden Number list cannot be dialed at all for some  
maximum amount of time, which is also specified by country regulations. In some countries, the time  
might be one hour, and in others the number may never be dialed again. The forbidden list is eight  
numbers long, with the newest number replacing the oldest if the memory is full. To list the numbers  
in the Forbidden list enter RLF and hit RETURN.  
Disregard or Connect to Incoming Calls (DIC or CIC) Command  
The Disregard or Connect to Incoming Calls commands are used for Auto-Answer operations.  
Depending on the country regulations, your modem will wait some amount of time or number of rings  
before answering the call. During that time, you can stop the modem from answering the call by  
entering the DIC (Disregard Incoming Calls) command. CIC (Connect to Incoming Calls) command  
will cause your modem to answer the call (either reversing the effect of a DIC command or simply  
have your modem answer the call immediately without waiting the regulation time before answering).  
MultiModemBA User Guide  
DTR Dialing ($D) Command  
DTR Dialing is an alternate method of causing the modem to automatically dial a number. Data  
Terminal Ready (DTR) is a signal that comes into the modem from the terminal or computer to which  
it is connected via pin 20 of the RS-232 interface. In DTR Dialing, the modem will automatically dial a  
stored number as soon as it receives a high DTR signal. The DTR Dialing method is popular when  
using the modem in synchronous applications.  
To enable DTR Dialing, enter command AT$D1 and hit Return. The modem will now dial the phone  
number you have stored as N0 when it receives a high DTR signal.  
DTR must remain high for the duration of the call, until disconnect. To disable DTR Dialing, enter the  
command AT$D0 (or AT$D) and hit RETURN.  
When you use DTR Dialing, be sure that DIP-Switch #1 is in the UP position, so that DTR is not  
forced on. In addition, when using DTR Dialing in a synchronous application, be sure that DIP-Switch  
#8 is in the UP position to disable V.25bis Command mode.  
ITU V.25bis Country Specific Information  
Due to the flexibility of the V.25bis standard, each country may establish specific regulations  
governing the way operations are handled. The purpose of this document is to detail each country's  
specific regulations that affect operation of V.25bis in Multi-Tech modems.  
1. Italy  
1. Phone number indications include status ;ZPSTTT  
Z - U, D, or F, for Unrestricted, Delayed or Forbidden  
P - Delay time if delayed  
S - Number of retries so far  
TTT - Interdiction time to further attempts  
Delayed and Forbidden list behavior  
5 retries without delay  
2 minute delay between next 4 retries  
After 9 retries the number is put on the forbidden list  
120 minute timer is started on entry to delay list  
When it runs out, the number is removed from which ever list it is on  
Auto-Answer mode behavior  
Auto-Answer in 5 seconds if no DIC  
Get 10 seconds after DIC to enter CIC  
If 10 seconds times out then no connection is possible  
2. Switzerland  
Modem must remain on-hook for 5 seconds after disconnect  
Modem must remain on-hook for 5 minutes after 4 consecutive failed calls  
If modem must remain on-hook, then it is paused”  
If the modem is paused and a call is attempted a PAU indication is given.  
a) PAUt Modem is paused for t minutes  
Delayed and Forbidden list behavior  
2 minute delay between 4 retries  
After 4 retries the number is put on the forbidden list  
The number remains on the forbidden list forever  
Auto-Answer behavior  
1. Auto-Answer mode after 2 rings if no DIC  
Appendix E - MultiModemBA Cables  
Command/Indication modification (none)  
Delayed and Forbidden list behavior  
No delay between retries  
After 2 retries to numbers that answer, but give no answer tone (CFINT), the  
number is put on the forbidden list  
After 10 retries with busy or no dialtone, the number is put on the forbidden  
The number remains on the forbidden list forever  
Delayed and Forbidden Numbers lists are checked when dialing in AT mode.  
If dialing is not possible then NO CARRIER is the response.  
Auto-Answer behavior  
Auto-Answer in 5 seconds if no DIC  
4. France  
Command/Indication modification (none)  
Delay and Forbidden list behavior  
2 min. delay after 1st call, 4 after 2nd, 6 after 3rd, etc.  
After 5 retries, the number is put on the forbidden list  
The number remains on the forbidden list forever  
Delayed and Forbidden Numbers lists are checked when dialing in AT  
command mode. If dialing is not possible then No Carrier is the response.  
Auto-Answer mode behavior  
Auto-Answer in 5 seconds if no DIC  
5. Belgium  
Command/Indication modification (none)  
Delay and Forbidden list behavior  
1 min. delay between calls  
After 4 retries, the number is put on the forbidden list  
The number remains on the forbidden list for 1 hour after entry to forbidden  
Delayed and Forbidden Numbers lists are checked when dialing in AT  
command mode. If dialing is not possible then No Carrier is the response.  
Auto-Answer behavior  
Auto-Answer in 5 seconds if no DIC.  
6. Singapore  
Dialing digit =means wait for dialtone (acts the same as :in dialing string).  
Delay and Forbidden list behavior  
5 retries without delay  
2 minute delay between next 4 retries  
After 9 retries the number is put on the forbidden list  
120 minute timer is started on entry to delay list  
When it runs out, the number is removed from whichever list it is on.  
MultiModemBA User Guide  
Appendix E - MultiModemBA Cables  
These cables connect your modem to your terminal or computers serial port.  
25-PIN DTE  
25-PIN DCE  
RTS 4  
CTS 5  
DSR 6  
RI 22  
20 DTR  
22 RI  
Figure E-1. RS232 Cable (IBM PC)  
RED (Tip)  
GREEN (Ring)  
To Terminal  
Block Screws  
(Transmit and Receive)  
RJ-11 Type  
Modular Plug  
Figure E-2. Two Wire Leased Line Connection  
Appendix F - Regulatory Information  
Appendix F - Regulatory Information  
FCC Part 15  
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device,  
pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection  
against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses, and can  
radiate radio frequency energy, and if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may  
cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that  
interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful  
interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off  
and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following  
Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.  
Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.  
Plug the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is  
Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.  
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC rules. Operation of this device is subject to the  
following conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must  
accept any interference that may cause undesired operation.  
WARNING: Changes or modifications to this unit not expressly approved by the party responsible for  
compliance could void the users authority to operate the equipment.  
Industry Canada  
This Class B digital apparatus meets all requirements of the Canadian Interference-Causing  
Equipment Regulations.  
Cet appareil numérique de la classe B respecte toutes les exigences du Reglement Canadien sur le  
matériel brouilleur.  
FCC Part 68 Telecom  
1. This equipment complies with part 68 of the Federal Communications Commission Rules. On  
the outside surface of this equipment is a label that contains, among other information, the FCC  
registration number. This information must be provided to the telephone company.  
2. The suitable USOC jack (Universal Service Order Code connecting arrangement) for this  
equipment is shown below. If applicable, the facility interface codes (FIC) and service order  
codes (SOC) are shown.  
3. An FCC-compliant telephone cord and modular plug is provided with this equipment. This  
equipment is designed to be connected to the telephone network or premises wiring using a  
compatible modular jack that is Part 68 compliant. See installation instructions for details.  
4. The ringer equivalence number (REN) is used to determine the number of devices that may be  
connected to the telephone line. Excessive RENs on the telephone line may result in the device  
not ringing in response to an incoming call. In most, but not all, areas the sum of the RENs  
should not exceed 5.0. To be certain of the nuber of devices that may be connected to the line,  
as determined by the total RENs, contact the local telephone company.  
5. If this equipment causes harm to the telephone network, the telephone company will notify you  
in advance that temporary discontinuance of service may be required. But if advance notice is  
not practical, the telephone company will notify you as soon as possible. Also, you will be  
advised of your right to file a complaint with the FCC if you believe it is necessary.  
MultiModemBA User Guide  
6. The telephone company may make changes in its facilities, equipment, operations, or  
procedures that could affect the operation of the equipment. If this happens, the telephone  
company will provide advance notice in order for you to make necessary modifications in order  
to maintain uninterrupted service.  
7. If trouble is experienced with this equipment (the model of which is indicated below) please  
contact Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. at the address shown below for details of how to have repairs  
made. If the trouble is causing harm to the telephone network, the telephone company may  
request you remove the equipment from the network until the problem is resolved.  
8. No repairs are to be made by you. Repairs are to be made only by Multi-Tech Systems or its  
licensees. Unauthorized repairs void registration and warranty.  
9. This equipment should not be used on party lines or coin lines.  
10. If so required, this equipment is hearing-aid compatible.  
11. Manufacturer:  
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc.  
Trade Name: MultiModem  
Model Number: MultiModemBA  
FCC Registration No: AU7USA-65363-MD-E  
Ringer Equivalence No: 0.5B  
Modular Jack (USOC): RJ-11C or RJ-11W (single line)  
Service Center in USA:  
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc.  
2205 Woodale Drive  
Mounds View, MN 55112  
(763) 785-3500  
(763) 785-9874  
U.S. Fax 763-785-9874  
Canadian Limitations Notice  
Notice: The ringer equivalence number (REN) assigned to each terminal device provides an  
indication of the maximum number of terminals allowed to be connected to a telephone interface. The  
termination on an interface may consist of any combination of devices subject only to the requirement  
that the sum of the ringer equivalence numbers of all the devices does not exceed 5.  
Notice: The Industry Canada label identifies certificated equipment. This certification means that the  
equipment meets certain telecommunications network protective, operational and safety  
requirements. The Industry Canada label does not guarantee the equipment will operate to the users  
Before installing this equipment, users should ensure that it is permissible to be connected to the  
facilities of the local telecommunications company. The equipment must also be installed using an  
acceptable method of connection. The customer should be aware that compliance with the above  
conditions may not prevent degradation of service in some situations. Repairs to certified equipment  
should be made by an authorized Canadian maintenance facility designated by the supplier. Any  
repairs or alterations made by the user to this equipment or equipment malfunctions may give the  
telecommunications company cause to request the user to disconnect the equipment.  
Users should ensure for their own protection that the electrical ground connections of the power  
utility, telephone lines and internal metallic water pipe system, if present, are connected together.  
This precaution may be particularly important in rural areas.  
Caution: Users should not attempt to make such connections themselves, but should contact the  
appropriate electric inspection authority, or electrician, as appropriate.  
Appendix F - Regulatory Information  
International Modem Restrictions  
Some dialing and answering defaults and restrictions may vary for international modems. Changing  
settings may cause a modem to become non-compliant with national telecom requirements in  
specific countries. Also note that some software packages may have features or lack restrictions that  
may cause the modem to become non-compliant.  
EMC, Safety, and R&TTE Directive Compliance  
The CE mark is affixed to this product to confirm compliance with the following European Community  
Council Directive 89/336/EEC of 3 May 1989 on the approximation of the laws of Member States  
relating to electromagnetic compatibility;  
Council Directive 73/23/EEC of 19 February 1973 on the harmonization of the laws of Member  
States relating to electrical equipment designed for use within certain voltage limits;  
Council Directive 1999/5/EC of 9 March on radio equipment and telecommunications terminal  
equipment and the mutual recognition of their conformity.  
MultiModemBA User Guide  
COMM.DRV .......................................................85  
Command Buffer ..................................................9  
"Command mode" ..............................................22  
Command string .................................................18  
Command Summary ..........................................87  
Attention code.................................................18  
Load default configuration ..............................19  
Modem reset...................................................18  
Computer-or Terminal-Initiated Flow Control (Pacin  
Connectors .........................................................10  
Continuous Redial (A or :) ..................................27  
Controls ..............................................................10  
CTS Control (&R) ...............................................37  
CTS/RTS Interaction Control (&RF) ...................37  
Answer Mode .....................................................39  
AS/400 Mode .....................................................67  
ASCII code .........................................................18  
Asynchronous Word Lenth Selection ($EB) .......43  
Asynchronous/Synchronous Operation..............70  
AT .......................................................................18  
AT Command and S-Register Summary ............56  
AT Commands....................................................23  
"AT" Responses/Multi-Tech Responses .............70  
Auto-answer ................................................ 18, 19  
Auto-Reliable Buffering ($A)...............................39  
Auto-Reliable Mode (&E1)..................................38  
Data Compression ...............................................9  
Data Compression Commands ..........................43  
Data Format .........................................................9  
Data Rates ...........................................................9  
Data Set Ready Control (&S) .............................37  
Data Terminal Ready Control (&D) .....................37  
Datacomm software ...................... 18, 19, 20, 82  
Configuration ........................................... 18, 19  
dB Transmission Levels .....................................67  
Delayed and Forbidden Numbers ......................96  
Dial (D) ...............................................................27  
Dial Phone Number Provided (CRN) Command 99  
Dialing a Stored Number (N) ..............................27  
Digital Loopback Test .........................................69  
Dimensions ........................................................10  
Disregard or Connect to Incoming Calls (DIC or CIC  
Backspace Character .........................................51  
Basic Result Code..............................................34  
Basic/Extended Result Codes............................34  
Baud Adjust ($BA) ..............................................44  
Baud rate  
Serial port .......................................................19  
Bell/V.21 Tone ....................................................35  
BREAK AT<CR> ................................................47  
Buffer Length of Command Mode...After On-line  
Esca ...................................................................54  
Bulletin board systems .......................................20  
Call waiting .........................................................85  
Callback Attempts ..............................................53  
Callback Operational Sequence Procedures .....61  
Callback Password and Dial Back Phone Number  
Entry ...................................................................60  
Callback Retry Attempts .....................................63  
Callback Security Enable/Disable (#DB) ............62  
Callback Time Delay ................................... 53, 63  
"Calling Card" Detect Tones ($).........................30  
Canadian Limitations Notice.............................104  
Carrier Detect Control (&C) ................................36  
Carrier Detect Response Time ...........................52  
Carrier Detect/DSR Forcing ...............................71  
Carrier Loss Disconnect Delay Time ..................52  
Change LOGIN Password (#I) ...........................62  
Change Serial Baud Rate (CSP) Command ......98  
Change SETUP Password (#S) .........................63  
Changing Break Time .........................................53  
Cleardown at Disconnect ...................................36  
COM ports  
DSR/CD Interaction Control (&SF).....................38  
DTR Dialing ($D) ................................................28  
DTR Dialing ($D) Command ............................100  
DTR Dropout Time .............................................53  
Dual-Tone Multi-Frequency dialing .....................28  
echnical Specifications .........................................9  
EMC, Safety, and R&TTE Directive Compliance105  
Enable/Disable Auto-Answer..............................68  
Enable/Disable Auto-Reliable Fallback Character39  
Enable/Disable Command Mode.......................69  
Enable/Disable V.25bis Mode ($V) Command ...98  
Enable/Suppress Responses .............................67  
Erase Callback Password (#RCBNxx) ...............63  
Erase Callback Phone Number (#RDNxx) .........63  
Error Correction....................................................9  
COM2 .............................................................19  
Escape Code Character .....................................50  
Escape Sequence Options (%E)........................47  
Escape Sequences (+++AT<CR>).....................47  
Examples of Assigning Values ...........................56  
Examples of Reading Values .............................56  
Exiting Command Mode, Going Back On-Line (O)48  
Extended Result Codes .....................................34  
Leased Line/Dial-Up Operation ..........................70  
Limited Warranty ................................................10  
Line Feed Character...........................................51  
Link Request....................................................38  
Listing Current Operating Parameters (L5 L7) ..46  
Listing Delayed Phone Numbers (RLD) Command99  
Listing Forbidden Phone Number (RLF) Command99  
Listing Numbers Stored in Memory (L)...............31  
Listing On-Line Diagnostics (L8) ........................46  
Listing S-Register Values (L6) ............................46  
Loading Factory Defaults (&F) ...........................31  
Local Inactivity Timer..........................................64  
Long Space Disconnect (Y) ...............................29  
Losing Data ........................................................85  
Failed Password Attempts..................................63  
Fallback Modes When On-Line (#F) ..................35  
Fax .....................................................................19  
Fax and Communications Software Won't Run ..86  
Fax Modulations .................................................10  
FCC Part 68 Telecom regulation ......................103  
File transfer protocols.........................................20  
upgrading ................................................79105  
flash memory......................................................79  
Flash On Hook (!) ...............................................30  
Flash Wizard upgrade utility ...............................80  
Flow Control .......................................................66  
Flow control ........................................................85  
Flow Control - &E4/&E5 .....................................66  
Force Answer Mode (A) .....................................47  
Forced DTR........................................................66  
Frequency Stability.............................................10  
Front panel .........................................................82  
Functional States ...............................................22  
Maximum Throughput Setting ............................68  
Nonvolatile (NVRAM) .....................................19  
MNP 5 ................................................................85  
Model Numbers ....................................................9  
Modem Baud Rate ($MB)...................................44  
Modem Cannot Connect When Answering ........85  
Modem Dials But Cannot Make a Connection....84  
Modem Disconnects While Online .....................85  
Modem Does Not Respond to Commands.........82  
Modem Reset (Z) ...............................................32  
Modem-Initiated Flow Control Commands .........43  
MT1432BL Connections .....................................16  
MT2834BL Cables............................................102  
Multi-Tech Internet sites .....................................77  
Garbage Characters...........................................86  
Guard Tones (&G) ..............................................34  
noise information ................................................48  
Normal Mode (&E0) ...........................................38  
Normal Mode Modem Flow Control (&E11) ........42  
Normal/Auto-Reliable/Reliable Mode Commands43  
Number of Rings Until Modem Answers...... 50, 55  
Hardware Flow Control (&E4) ............................41  
Help Screens ($H)..............................................46  
HOW TO ................................................................  
COMMANDS ......................................................23  
Immediate Action Line Probe Commands ..........48  
Inactivity Timer ...................................................54  
Initialization strings ........................ 18, 19, 82, 84  
PC-compatible ................................................18  
initiating Line Probe ............................................48  
Intelligent Features...............................................9  
Intelligent Serial Interface (ISI) ...........................45  
Internal/External Clocking ..................................70  
International Modem Restrictions .....................105  
Internet addresses .............................................77  
"On-line mode" ...................................................22  
ordering replacement parts ................................77  
Originate Mode...................................................39  
Originate/Answer Mode ......................................68  
Parameters.................................................. 18, 19  
Changing defaults ...........................................19  
Defaults ..........................................................19  
Parity ..................................................................18  
Parity Selection (#P) ..........................................43  
Password Command Summary ........................94  
MultiModemBA User Guide  
Pause Time for Comma......................................51  
Summary ............................................................56  
PBX/CBX Disconnect Drop Time for DSR/CTS/CD53 Synchronous Transmit Clock Select (&X) ..........32  
PBX/CBX systems .............................................53  
Power .................................................................10  
Power supply......................................................82  
Program V.34bis Connect Speeds .....................55  
Program V34 Connect Speeds...........................55  
Protocols ..................................................... 20, 85  
Pulse or Tone Dial (P T) ....................................28  
Telephone line ....................................................84  
Terminal mode ....................................................82  
Terminal/Computer Initiated Pacing (&E13) .......42  
Testing ......................................................... 82, 84  
self-test ...........................................................82  
Time Elapse for Escape Sequence ....................54  
Time for Carrier (Abort Timer) ............................51  
Tone Dialing: Tone Spacing and Duration ..........52  
Tradename ...........................................................9  
Transmission speed ...........................................19  
Transmit Level ....................................................10  
Two Wire Leased Line Connection...................102  
Quiet Answer (@) ...............................................30  
Reading of Line Probe Information Commands .48  
registering your product .....................................76  
Reliable Mode (&E2) ..........................................38  
Remote Configuration Character........................63  
Remote Configuration Escape Character...........52  
Remote System Configuration ...........................19  
replacement parts ..............................................77  
Request To Send Forced....................................69  
Result codes ............................................... 18, 84  
Result Codes Enable/Disable and No Response (Q)  
Result Codes Verbose/Terse (V) ........................33  
Retransmit Count ($R) .......................................40  
Return Character................................................50  
Return character ................................................18  
Return to Command Mode After Dial Execution (;)29  
Reverse the Mode of Operation (R) ...................29  
Rings Which Have Occurred ..............................50  
UART .................................................................45  
UARTs ................................................................19  
16550....................................................... 19, 85  
8250A .............................................................19  
Unix UUCP Spoofing ..........................................68  
Unix UUCP Spoofing ($SP)................................32  
upgrading the modem ................................79105  
V.25bis Mode AT Commands ............................97  
V.25bis AT Commands .......................................98  
V.25bis Operation ...............................................96  
V.25bis Responses (Result Codes)....................98  
V.25bis Set-Up and Initialization .........................97  
V.42 Mode Select (#L) ........................................38  
S3 ...................................................................18  
Safety Warning Telecom ....................................15  
SDLC/BSC Option..............................................67  
Send Xon/Xoff Characters (#X)..........................42  
Serial cable ........................................................83  
Serial port ............................................. 18, 19, 83  
Serial Port Baud Rate ($SB) ..............................45  
serial ports..........................................................45  
servicing your modem ......................................104  
Set Pulse Dial Ratios (&P) .................................29  
Signal Strength information ................................48  
Signal to Noise Ratio information (SNR) ............48  
Slave Clocking ...................................................69  
Slow File Transfer ..............................................85  
smart dialing .......................................................34  
Speaker ..............................................................10  
Speed Conversion ($BA) ...................................44  
Speed Switches .................................................71  
Storing Phone Numbers (D...N) .........................30  
Wait for New-Dial-Tone (W)................................29  
Wait Time for Dial Tone ......................................51  
"Wait-for-Carrier" ................................................22  
warranty ...........................................................104  
Weight ................................................................10  
Windows 3.1.......................................................85  
serial port driver ..............................................85  
Windows 95 Autodetect Inquiry Command (I9) ..46  
Windows 95 HyperTerminal................................85  
Xmodem .............................................................85  
Xon/Xoff Flow Control (&E5) ..............................41  
Xon/Xoff Pass-Through (&E7)............................41  
Xon/Xoff Pass-Through Commands...................43  
Ymodem/G .........................................................85  
Zmodem .............................................................85  

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